Romeo and Faking It

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 Zoey sat down on a stool in the biology classroom and pulled out her laptop in an instant, she grimaced as she stared at a droplet of blood to the left of her trackpad. Quickly she wiped it off and logged into her schoolwide messaging software, she then messaged Emily.

We're back together!

We're romeo and julietting this thing!

Emily stared into the distance, her face blank as her eyes welled with tears until the pool spilled to her cheeks. Her ex-boyfriend Jack nudged her, "Hey, you ok?" she shook her head, wiped her tears and laughed, "i-I didn't even realize I was crying, heh."


You okay Emily?

Emily looked about the room, her face growing hot, Zoey sat at her computer in a classroom 5 minutes from Emily's , awaiting her response.


What's wrong?

Emily sighed.

I was going to ask period, in front of the class I was going to ask you, I waited, I waited just like I waited to tell you I loved you, I keep waiting, I just wait and wait and expect things to come to me, they won't and I keep waiting, I never learn.

I hope you and him go well, I hope you two are happy, I wish you two well Zoey ...

Zoey began sobbing, her tears falling onto her keyboard, "Oh I really fucked up this time." she thought to herself, knew should have denied loving Dakota, from the start she had never loved him. Never wanted him. She wanted him for experience, to make a depressed boy happy, to see a sad face make a smile but she had taken it too far. She had lied to herself, to him, to everyone who thought they were a good couple. That they'd get married, and he wanted kids, oh how he'd go on and on. She'd agree, as if she paid any mind to his dreams when all she truly wanted was to mess around without feelings. Somewhere down the line she had gotten attached, but, this didn't mean he meant anything to her. He didn't.

I really don't think him and I are going to work, if we're meant to be then him and I will end up breaking up today at the end of the day, that's just what I think.

" Zoey , shut your computer, we're lecturing and taking notes right now." Her teacher said to her as a paper was being passed down the aisle. A note-helper. She took the paper from the boy next to her and did her work, as if on autopilot, she blacked out mentally and all she really recognized were the tears on her paper as she tore the soggy sheet with her pencil while she wrote answers down.

The bell rang for sixth period, she expected to see Dakota outside the classroom, like usual, but he wasn't there. Zoey waited for Dian to emerge and the two walked to dance class.

The two opened the creaking door and stepped into the music filled classroom, girls were up against the walls and in corners changing their clothing, Emily stood where Zoey typically sat her items down, she looked at the ground glumly as Zoey and Dian walked in. Zoey quickly set her stuff down and picked up Emily's head, "I'm done with him and it's gonna be over today, after class, I'll make sure of it." she said to Emily, the two hugged close, and both of them felt something different, a good different. Class proceeded, and Zoey bolted out of the door after the bell rang for the end of the day.

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