Baked Goods

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Cake time came around quickly it seemed, but his family had dietary restrictions with artificial flavorings and colorings. The cake had both. The girls were bummed but their father promised to take them somewhere for something even better after they left the party and were on their way home. "Creamistry?" His mother asked from the passenger seat to his father. She then proceeded to describe it, they decided to try it out. They parked their car and walked in. Summer held Dylan close by his arm yet again as she chattered thanks to the cold breeze that swept the area. Creamistry was interesting. Five large canisters of nitrogen sat on the side of the storefront. They walked inside and were captured in an eclipse of nitrogen clouds. The way the shop worked was fascinating. You as the customer had the ability to choose how your ice cream was made and it was made right then and there for you as you ordered it and flash frozen with the help of liquid nitrogen. They had an array of toppings and flavors and bases. The combinations seemed endless, when they had their stock in, the Creamistry was sold out of just about everything. Making it pointless to be there. There was a bakery two shops away, so, the family left and walked in that direction. This was a bakery called 80 degrees and it sold an array of cakes, cookies, pastries, not all sweets. You took a plastic tray and a clean pair of tongs. The prices of each baked good was set on the caddy each item was held in. Summer didn't seem to want anything, and she seemed so down. He wasn't sure how to help her. All he really wanted to do was just stop doing everything he was doing. Take her anywhere she wanted to go and hold her close while she told him her troubles. All he wanted to do was help her.

She eventually did get something, a passion fruit black tea that was far too sweet, and this was coming from a southern girl who was born in Georgia and raised in a southern household. That really said something, so, Dylan tasted it, he definitely agreed.

They piled back into the car and headed home. His seven year old sister was exhausted and, for that reason, was being a real bother. She poked their arms while they held hands and tugged on hair. She walked her fingers along Summer's head and Summer ducked away. Kiran had successfully irritated her. "Stop touching her." Dylan told her sternly, Kiran laughed and didn't quit. He grabbed her hand every time she extended it towards Summer and he twisted her arm back or pushed her wrist down far enough for a yelp to erupt from the small child. But, she still didn't stop. So he continued batting her away from Summer. Then, Kiran began tormenting Dylan. Oh man are children annoying, and Summer wanted three of them. 

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