Marc-ed Up

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There was math, english with two dramatic individuals then homeroom. Where he'd sit in his seat, looking like a psychopath that didn't stare at a computer screen but rather into space as he chewed his lunch slowly. Only a few times was he caught spacing out but actually happened to be staring at someone.

Lunch period came around, the time where he decided which of the two small groups he wanted to sit with for the day. A tough decision between being picked on or being a third wheel to two couples. More often than not he decided to third wheel, because at least they were funny and fun to be around even if at times it became awkward while the couples kissed each other and touched inappropriately. Jokes were shared, food was mixed and dared to be eaten, they'd left the lunchroom to trade indoors for outdoors where the couples curled into each other against the cold breeze that threatened rain in the later day. The bell rang and Dylan left for chemistry then history, then the end of the day. He met Marc at the corner of the street, they walked together to their cars every day, talking about basically anything and everything that caught interest.

"Happy halloween!" Marc bounced the next morning. The two of them had become awfully close, it was a great thing. Dyl smiled and held out his pinkie, an offering for them to intertwine their small fingers together and walk to class. The joys of high school met their ears when homophobic remarks were strewn left and right. "We aren't even together faggots." Dyl shouted at one of his sneering peers. Marc let out a slight giggle and rested his head on Dyl 's shoulder. Dyl smiled and walked to class, going about his day like always.

"What are you doing for tonight?" Dyl 's friend Allison asked from the other end of the table. "Nothing much," he answered, speaking slightly muffled as he took a bite of food and had begun chewing. "Prolly gonna stay home and be a loser, eating whatever candy my sisters haul in from their little adventure."

The future had other plans worth sharing, beginning at the end of the school day. Marc and Dyl had been conversing on the way to the car, per the usual. "Hey Marc?" Dyl begun, looking at his feet like one would look at a television screen. Marc let out a noise of acknowledgement. Dyl sighed, "N-nevermind," he laughed weakly. Marc nudged him, Dyl shook his head, a short tiff that lasted no longer than a minute. "Ok fine." Dyl said, stopping and turning to face Marc. "Hold this." He said extending his closed hand. Marc raised his hand palm up adjacent to Dyl 's, just like the same pickup line he had used on his now ex-girlfriend he held Marc's hand. Marc bit his lower lip and turned red as he looked at the floor, Dyl watched, wondering if he had done the right thing. "I like you too." He replied, smiling at a pebbles on the pavement.

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