Shared Love

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He scooted to literature, yesterday he and Summer had decided to have a small date at the local mall. He was becoming antsy to get out of school. He read Frankenstein and took his notes like a good kid, he was so anxious to leave, get on the bus and see his girlfriend again. Only separated physically for a day but it felt like decades and centuries.

He got off his bus and went straight for where she was, he kissed her, if it weren't so wrong and she wouldn't be uncomfortable he'd undress her just to unease the folks who were looking at them in disgust. Revenge sex to repulse them. Or maybe a swift kick to the groin, people's backwards attitudes really irritated him, he was glad she didn't see them.

They paced the mall, as always, the first stop was Hot Topic. Summer was a two-thousand and eight emo complete with the 'Rawr XD' quotes. She took his hand and led him out, she pulled him across the mall to Spencer's. There was a perfect shirt in there and every time they saw it, Summer commented on getting it for her younger sister Toby, the shirt, funny enough, read 'Let's Sacrifice Toby.' They talked about tattoos and looked at posters for a while after browsing the lingerie. Summer wore the showy outfits and certainly looked amazing, no doubt. They talked about rough sex and what not to buy. Like the handcuffs at Spencer's because they just break and not to use whips because "Ow that hurts too much!" Dylan talked about getting his tongue pierced and she talked about him getting a vibrating tongue ring for very obvious reasons. He'd certainly pierce it that far forward and definitely get that vibrating piercing if it made Summer twist between the sheets.

They went through the baby clothes there, talking about how their baby 'had to have' all these amazing shirts that the store supplied. Summer wanted three children, at least one that was of her flesh and blood. The problem was, she was unable to carry a baby. She had far too many things wrong with her womb, holding a baby would be painful and almost impossible, if she had a fetus she ran the risk of dying during childbirth, a higher risk than that of a woman that was in fine health to carry a baby. However, Dylan was willing to carry. They discussed combining eggs and getting a sperm donor. Dylan would stop using testosterone for the nine or so months that he'd be holding their infant. He'd never wanted children really, if he had that inkering feeling he wanted one, he certainly never wanted to carry it, except with Summer. He was willing to do that for her.

They walked out and around. Summer kept clinging to him, he decided to tickle her and she took off running across the floor. He chased her through the chairs, signs and people. She ran faster than he expected but he still caught up to her just fine. The two breathed hard and laughed. She dragged him into Victoria's Secret, Dylan groaned and followed reluctantly. She looked at the bras and lingerie. Dylan liked a few of them, wouldn't mind at all if she walked into the bedroom and laid in bed in some of these. She took his hand after a while of browsing and led him out. "Yes, please, thank you!" He shouted, excited to leave. Summer snickered and they continued walking. Across the isle of Bath and Body Works, she was appalled by the aroma wafting from the scented shop. "Lead the way," He said, ushering the staring girl into the feminine store. She sniffed all the soaps and lotions, he smelled all the candles and followed her around like a lost puppy. "This smells like McDonalds!" She shouted, shocked and dismayed by the balm. It was a rotund tub of shea, argan and coconut oil moisturizer. Dylan leaned in to smell it and ducked away quickly. "EW!"

Summer laughed and they went out to walk around. She was pacing and had no idea where she wanted to go. They went near the bus stop and sat by a vending machine. They talked a deep talk, he brushed her long hair out of her face and kissed her softly. He ran the tip of his nose along the side of her neck slowly and lightly, kissing her skin so softly. They explained to each other, their differences between feeling romantic, passionate and feeling just simply horny. Dylan would touch and kiss lightly, he didn't bite or scratch or play rough when he felt passionate. When he wanted to have sex with her only to make her feel his love. She didn't act much different, she had explained. But the way she treated him was plenty for him to already know they shared love for each other. 

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