August and Arrogant

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Being that senior teachers were rumored to be fun, students who had birthdays on this day were called to the front of the room. Happy birthday was sung to them. But it was someone else's birthday this day. Someone who couldn't live to see her seventeenth birthday.

"Happy birthday to you." Everyone sung, Dian didn't, she played on her phone, humming the tune.

"Happy birthday dear Daniella." Dyl could feel his eyes tearing up, he looked at Dian,a girl who didn't seem to give two shits anymore. How badly he wanted to throw her phone to the floor and tell her she was being an inconsiderate bitch. He was fuming, absolutely internally raging. He waited for the bell to ring and left. She shrieked behind him at a girl she had just seen moments ago in the room they were just in. She acted like she hadn't seen her in ages. He adjusted his backpack sharply. "Girls never seem to fail irritating the living fuck out of me." He said loudly, walking ahead of the senior crowd and off campus.

For years, Dyl had known Dian. Since his freshman year they had been relatively close. He wasn't fond of her three sisters, but, he could handle two of the three just fine. One in particular always bothered him. She had a victimized outlook, the inability to stay on topic, crippling depression and the need to manipulate in every way possible. Another, the twin of the manipulative tween, was a control freak. She had to have control, had to be the boss, had to have the last word. This was troubling, not only this but she had to have things for herself and she had to feel like you were below her, even if everyone knew you weren't. The third, the youngest, was fine just until she brushed by him on the first day back.

"Hello Zoey ."

"Hey, you were calling me Dyl last year, what happened?"

"Well, because that's not your name."

"It is though?"

"No, Zoey is your name, that's what your birth certificate says."

"I don't want to carry on a conversation with you if you aren't going to respect me."

"I'm respecting you fine, i'm speaking to you in plain english and I can talk to whoever I want to."

With this she stormed off, as if she owned the school and everyone attending.

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