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"Eomma! Ireonaseyo!" Mina yelled while jumping on my bed.

I grunted while she kept her happy go lucky attitude on.

"Eomma! It's the day of my birthday party!" She kept nudging.

I finally laid on my back and took a peak at her innocent face while the light from the window was blinding me. I let out a big yawn before I spoke "Araso, You're so excited little one! You've already had six birthdays, aren't you tired of it?" I jokingly asked my wide eyed daughter.

"Aniyo" She said with the widest smile i've seen with one of her top teeth missing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday haaaapy birthday Miiiiiiinaaaaaaaaa!!!" My brother came walking in with a cute little pink cake in his hands.

"Sam chon!!! Gomawo" Mina yelled then ran to her uncle Yoongi to blow her candles and give him a big hug.

"Are you excited for you birthday later Mina?" Yoongi Asked

She nodded her head and ran back to bed with me and asked "Eomma, can you please get up now so we can get ready for my birthday party ?"

I stared at my daughters full pink lips, and her beautiful smiling eyes for a quick sec and realized how fast 6 years have gone by since she was born. I ran my fingers through her soft, long black hair and told her "Ok, but only if I can give you birthday kisses!" I then carried her to my lap and gave my daughter kisses all over her face.

"Eomma!" She giggled.

"Alright, you two let's go get ready so I can take you to the park and we can start setting up for later" Yoongi said while walking out of the room.

I finished dressing Mina in her birthday outfit, in which she chose a blue sweater with a cute light blue tutu. I told her to go stay with her uncle Yoongi while i finished getting ready. I tossed my hair into a neat updo ponytail with a pair of diamond earrings. I threw on my plain black sundress over my head and added a jean jacket to finish my look. I headed downstairs to see my brother Yoongi playing the piano while Mina was right on his lap listening to her uncle play.

"Ok Mina its time! Gaja!" I smiled and she ran to the door and me and Yoongi followed right behind her.


It was a good thing the weather was on our side today, the sun was out but it wasn't too hot and had a slight breeze. Yoongi reserved a perfect spot under a beautiful oak tree near the playground for Mina and her friends to play if they get bored. When we arrived it seemed everything was already set up, the tables were covered in light blue table cloths and had chairs around them with ballons tied up to them. I saw that food was already prepped in trays, tables filled with snack and a fountain for fruit punch. There was even a jumper for my little girl that had a banner on it with her face and the words HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY MINA on it. It was more than I had planned for Mina, I turned to face my older brother with a questionable look.

"What?" Yoongi said nonchalantly.

"Did you pay for all this?"

He hesitated for a moment, "kinda."

"What do you mean kinda?" I questioned.

He turned away from me to look at Mina in the distance swinging, "It's our gift to Mina"


He simply responded "Yeah, me and the boys"

"Oh. Really?" I paused then continued after he shook his head "thank you.."

"Eomma! My friends are here!" Mina came running towards me while holding one of her friends hands.

I smiled at my daughter and thought about what Yoongi just told me. I pushed the thoughts away to focus on Mina's birthday and just tried to be thankful. A few minutes later and the rest of the guest started to come.


Three hours later the party had finished and everything got cleaned up. Mina, and I got into Yoongi's car to head home.

"Eomma?" Mina started after a short while talking about how much fun her birthday was.

"Ne?" I asked

"Do I have an Appa?"

I was in complete shock from the last question I ever wanted to hear from her. I turned my head to Yoongi who had his eyes fixed on the road and didn't even move a muscle. I turned even more to face Mina who was in the seat behind me.

"Hmm, Mina, where'd you get that thought from?"

"I don't know, I just thought about all my chingus and how their Eommas and Appas were there when they dropped them off at the park today" She said with the most innocent face and innocent voice. I just looked at her not knowing what to say.

"Of course you have an Appa Mina, He's just really busy right now" Yoongi responded while looking at her through the rear view mirror. Then turned to me and smiled slightly.

I mouthed, "Thank you" to my older brother.

"Appa must be a really really busy Appa" She giggled to herself.

Mina then just started to sing again as if nothing was asked.


I put Mina to bed and wished her a last happy birthday and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Eomma, Thank you" Mina said while snuggling into her blanket and closing her eyes with a smile on her face. I switched her lights off and headed towards our guest room where Yoongi was staying for the weekend before he goes back to his dorm.

I knocked lightly on the door before I entered his room. He was already in bed with his face glued to his laptop.

"Oppa?" I asked. Yoongi smiled at me and patted the empty space next to him as he closed his laptop. "What's going on?" he said.

I sat next to him and started,"Do you think I'm being unfair to Mina and Jimin?" I asked while playing with the hem of my nightgown.

"What do you mean?" he responded.

I lifted my eyes from my gown to meet his "We both know what I mean.." I paused, "You knew he would've gave up everything he has now to raise Mina with me. Now I'm depriving my own daughter to know who her own dad is." I gently closed my eyes and felt the tears start falling.

Yoongi pulled me into a hug and told me "You had your reasons Yuna, and to be honest I think now is the perfect time to introduce Jimin to Mina"



Keep this prologue in mind as it might get confusing later on :)

Other than that this was a pretty boring and crappy prologue LOL

SORRY if my grammar is bad.. i have never written a story or been in school for awhile so i may have forgotten spelling and grammar lol


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