Thirty Two

30 3 0

Yuna's POV*

Two hours into our car ride and neither of us has said a word. We left Mina with the boys and told her we'll be back as soon as possible. I couldn't tell but she looked a little sad knowing her parents went off on a trip without her and after promising her no more separation, here we are leaving her again with neither me or Jimin by her side.

Despite of what happened last night, I looked at him hoping he'd at least talk to me about Mina, So I asked anyway, "Do you think Mina is upset that we left her?" But he just shrugged his shoulders not even turning my way, "Hmm sooo we're just going to ignore each other this whole time? I think the point of us-"

He finally turned to me but looked irritated, "Can you just.. stop. Please?" He looked back out the window which I found funny so l laughed to myself because I at least got him to talk to me.

 Since it's finally just going to be me and him, I'm determined to make him my friend again by the end of this trip. No matter how annoying I get.

"Ajeossi. Are we almost there?"

The driver shook his head.

"Where are you taking us anyways?" I asked.

"This is actually a company getaway home."

Jimin looked confused, "We have a getaway home?"

"It's actually a secret. It's suppose to be for the members if anything got out of hand."

A couple of minutes later the van drove up into a long driveway with tall green trees hovering making it look like a tunnel. It took almost two minutes to even reach the actual home. Once we reached it we stopped right in front a beautiful two story house with white bricks and black windows all around.

"Wow. It's so beautiful." I said as I stepped out of the van.

"Alright you two. You guys have fun now." The driver said as he unloaded the last luggage.

Me and Jimin looked at each other, "Wae? You're leaving us here?"

He nodded his head, "The instructions were to take you guys here and I can go home right after." He waved his hat and bid us good bye and off he drove with the van.

Jimin already made his way towards the house and I yelled back, "Aren't you gonna help me get these?" He completely ignored me, "Well, this is going to be fun." So I grabbed all my belongings and left his on the driveway. We both stopped in front of the door.

"Do you have a key?" I asked.

"Aniyo. I thought you had one?"

I panicked, "What the? No. How are we going to get in then?" 

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, "Hyung! How are we suppose to get in? You didn't even give us keys!" He asked irritated, "Are you serious?" He let out a deep blow and hung up.

"What happened?" He continued to ignore me but he just went to the side of the porch which stood a potted plant. He picked it up and got a key from under and walked back down to the driveway.

"Where you going!" I chased after him and turned him around to face me, "Are you deaf now too?"

"No. I figured you'd just follow me either way." He looked me up and down and smirked, "By the way, I thought you wanted to help me?"

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"Did you forget that I can't carry heavy stuff?"

"Yeah and?"

"Yeah and why did you leave my bag back there?"

I laughed, "You're funny. Your bag is a luggage with wheels. I'm sure you can handle that." I looked down at his arm and grabbed the key from him, "I'm guessing they're punishing us by putting us in that small guest house right there." I gestured to the small house on the end of the driveway just a few feet away from the original house and since he didn't respond. "I'm taking that as a yes?"

His smirk went away and he took another deep breath while I laughed sarcastically, "You should know what game you're trying to play first Park Jimin!" I said while making my way towards the small guest house.

I opened the door to the small home and sighed. Even though it was clean and well nourished I just hoped Jimin would be okay with how small it was inside. It only had a small kitchen with a dining table, a tv and one queen size bed in the corner of the room.

I heard Jimin panting behind me and made his way through passing me into the home. He stopped and looked around.


"Look Jimin. We have to work this out-"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well we're gonna have to." I whispered.

"If you don't want to stay in this small space with me for long then I say you suck it up-"

"I'm not ready."

Goodness this boy keeps interrupting me. "Fine. I bet you're hungry tho. Do you want me to at-"

"Yuna. Stop pretending like we're fine because we're not. Even if they think throwing just the two of us alone in one small house will fix things. It won't." He choked up and stopped himself.

"Before I left,  You were so nice to me. All you wanted to do was talk. Now that I'm trying to talk to you. Why won't you let me? So why? Why can't we fix things?" He didn't say anything, he just took a seat on the edge of the bed and hung his head low. I followed and stopped in front of him meeting him at eye level. I reached for his chin so he could look me in the eyes hoping he's give in, "Will you please just tell me how you really feel?"

He searched my eyes before he spoke, He grabbed my hand and took it away from his face looking upset, "What if you coming back was actually a bad idea?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look what happened. What if this isn't the only time this will happen? What if  I won't be able to protect you and Mina. What if I just got lucky?" He said while his eyes started to tear up but still sounding upset.

"Is that the real reason why you're treating me this way?" I asked confused because it didn't make sense but he's finally opening up so I didn't want to lose this opportunity.

"Sometimes I feel like you leaving me was a punishment for me for choosing my career over everything else. Over my family, my school, you. That's why I never found it in my heart to actually be mad at you. I thought maybe treating you this way would make you want to leave me again. I don't want you and Mina to be involved in my hectic life. You guys only deserve peace and happiness."

"Jimin. You can't blame yourself for choosing your happiness before anything else. Look how far you've gone, Everything you've accomplished has been done through hard work. You chose to follow your dreams. You should be proud of that because not everyone can do that. I thought me and Mina being out of the picture would make it that much easier, so you had nothing holding you back." I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped his tear away, "I had no idea how much pain I caused you and it is honestly one of the biggest regrets I have. I will do everything I can just for you to forgive me. I can die everyday if I had to just to make all that pain inside you go away. I love you Park Jimin. I never stopped loving you. All this time it's always been you."

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