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Yoongi's POV

Yoongi's Flashback*

I walked out from my music room to head home when I heard music playing from the dance room. There was only one person who'd be in there this late at night blasting our music, And that would be Jimin. He was the only one who danced his ass off this late when he was mad or sad. I knocked on the door before I went inside, he continued moving as I made my way to the couch in the back of the room to watch him a bit.

"Why are you still here?" He asked when he finally stopped and walked towards the speaker to turn the music down.

"I just finished up a few tracks and was on my way home." He sat on the floor across me and leaned his head on the wall. "What's wrong?" I asked. I knew Jimin well enough to know when something was bothering him. And something was definitely bothering him by the sadness I felt in his voice when he asked me why I was still here.

"Mina's birthday is in a few days." He said while laying his arms on his knees and letting his head fall trying to avoid eye contact with me. I was never the type to be involved in other people's lives but I felt so bad for him. He didn't deserve any of this. At first I was also selfish and agreed with Yuna in her leaving my friend to let him fulfill his dream and him not having to worry about a child and his mother so he could stay focus. But as time went on I realized the way Yuna left him was not fair to him at all. After 6 years, my conscience was bothering me so much so I came up with a quick plan.

"You know Chingu, Yuna's gonna celebrate Mina's birthday here." I said slowly, He lifted his head in shock and suddenly looking hopeful.


"Yeah, She said I've missed too many of Mina's birthdays and wanted to come to me instead of me going there." I lied.

"Ohhh.. Well, at least you got to go to one of her birthdays" Jimin said while he laid his head back down in his arms.

"Um, If you want," I hesitated a bit because I honestly didn't know what I was doing at the moment without Yuna knowing what I was saying to Jimin , "You can come on Saturday. She's having a party at the park"

He lifted his head and looked at me confused, "Seriously? You think that's how Yuna wants to see me? Just show up at my daughter's party unannounced?"

I tried to play it cool by shrugging my shoulders. I thought I'd end his misery by just asking but he knew Yuna too well also.

"You think you can at least bring a gift to Mina for me?"

"Of course bro, What do you plan on getting her?"

"How about.." He started thinking really hard, "Wait what do six year old girls like?" I laughed a bit and then his eyes opened wide as if a light bulb came on, "Well, how about this, since Yuna's given her five birthdays, What if I could give her her sixth?"

"What do you mean? Like throw her a birthday party?" He nodded, "You know actually, she doesn't know that I told you that they're coming."

He thought for a moment then continued, "Hmm, Oh ok then how about you just let me pay for the party she's having on saturday and just say it was a gift from all of us?"

I didn't know how that would work because Yuna knew the boys didn't really know about Mina except Tae and Namjoon. But I just agreed to what Jimin wanted so he can finally have some say in his daughters life.

End of flashback*

I walked out of Yuna's room and called Jimin to let him know Yuna wanted to meet with him.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Jiminshi, Are you free any time this week?" I asked right away.

He thought for a second before answering back, "Hmm, I don't have any upcoming schedules for the whole week, Wae?"

"Yuna wants to thank you for Mina's birthday party." I said nonchalantly. But it stayed silent on the other end. I didn't say anything just yet because I knew it would surprise him. and after about a few seconds he finally spoke.

"Wow, okay. So you told her it was from me then?"

"Uh yeah mianhae. It kind of slipped."

"It's fine I'm just a little shocked right now. So, When does she want to meet?" He asked calmly.

"How about I just say tomorrow so you both can gather your thoughts?"


Short chapter but I thought this would kind of give an answer to how Jimin found out about the party and paid for it???????

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