Twenty Eight

27 3 0

Yuna's POV*

I sat on the bed next to Jimin as Jin oppa left me alone with him. Although he was asleep I couldn't help my heart from beating out of my chest from all the nervousness. I felt my face warming up and a tear running down my cheek. Slowly, I grabbed his hand in mine and find the matching bracelet on his wrist. I bring his hand to my cheek and felt the warmth of his hand making me feel calm. I wiped my tear away and laid his hand on my lap as I began.

"How do you love someone knowing you'll never be enough for them?" I said quietly as I stared at the hand I was holding, "How can you love me again after all this? How do I let you back into my life after knowing I owe you so much? Do I even deserve that? At first, I thought should I even tell him? I remembered that you were just weeks away from debuting and that I could've kept that secret away from you. Then something else came to mind, that this was half of your responsibility and that you wouldn't turn your back on me because you loved me." I chuckled a little to myself, "So I decided to tell you but then we had that argument.." I finally looked at his peaceful face and ran the back of my hand on his soft cheek, "Even if you didn't mean what you said at the time, you still said it and it kept me up that night. Enough to let me decide to raise Mina on my own. I take all the blame for it knowing it wasn't fair to you," I shifted on the bed so that I was laying next to him and rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, "But I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me because I love you. I never stopped loving you Jimin. From now on I promise I will do everything I can to make you forgive me." I laid there until the tears in my eyes dried up and felt myself slowly drifting off into a deep slumber.

He slowly shifted on the bed that woke me up from my sleep. My eyes open slowly and I lift my head to see Jimin finally awake, I got surprised and accidently fell on the floor from the bed and got up quickly.

"Jiminah you're awake," I felt so flustered while I was trying to look for the phone to ring up the nurse, "Ne Park Jimin is awake can you please assist us."

"What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding a little annoyed. I put the phone down and looked at him not knowing what to say.

"Ugh," I kept stuttering and slowly made my way towards him ,"I was just.. hmm.. waiting for you to wake up.."


"I.. I.." My heart started to race and my palms started to sweat, "I just wanted to-" The door suddenly opened and the nurses timing couldn't have been anymore perfect as I caught my breath again.

After the nurse and doctor left I was once again alone with him.

"Are you thirsty? Do you need water or anything?" I asked pouring the water before he even answered.

"No." I turned around and tried handing him the water anyway, "I said I wasn't thirsty."

"You still should drink lots of water Jimin the nurse just said so." Without thinking I started to insist on him taking a sip.

"What are you doing?" He asked while turning his head away from the straw and accidently hit the water from my hand and spilled.

"Mianhae." I apologized as I grabbed the paper towels and started wiping the floor.

"I told you I was fine. Would you look at yourself, You're also in a hospital gown I think the nurse can take care of me just fine."

I got up and sat next to him on the bed, "I want to take care of you.." I said while grabbing his hand but he pulled away.

"Take care of yourself first Yuna."

"Jebal.." Someone at the door caught our attention as Jin and Yoongi oppa walked in.

"Jimin you're awake," Jin said joyfully. They started talking about when Jimin will be back and all. I pulled my brother outside so I could talk to him privately.

"What's going on?"

I pursed my lips before I asked, "Can I move in with you guys?"

Yoongi deadpanned, "Wae?"

"I want to take care of Jimin."

"Yuna how can you take care of him when you're trying to get better yourself?"

"Oppa, I'm fine. I want to take care of Jimin. I want to show him how sorry I am and how thankful I am of him taking care of me and Mina. Please.."

"Aish.. I don't know."

"Just let me make things right."

He took a deep breath, "Fine, just let me talk to the boys but if they say no Yuna there's nothing I can do."


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