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Jimin's POV*

"Yuna!" She turned around and smiled. I felt my heart drop while I stared at her beautiful face from a distance. She gestured her hands in front of herself telling me to come closer. I made my way towards her but every time I took a step she only went further.

"Yuna!" I called out to her again, she kept smiling but this time she shook her head and turned her back on me. As I made my way towards her she kept running away from me in the open meadow so I picked up my speed to go after her. I finally reached her and hugged her from behind, "Got you!" I buried my nose in the back of her ear to breath her in. I started hugging her tighter and her breathing became heavier and she began to sniffle. I turned her around to face me but she didn't look at me, "What's wrong?" I asked. She stayed silent so I grabbed her chin to make her teary eyes meet mine. "Yuna?"

She pursed her lips but she finally answered, "Why didn't you come back for me?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"You left me and Mina alone."

I loosened my hug but still kept her in my arms, "Yuna, You left me.. I didn't know where to find you after that." I said in a little more stern voice.

"It didn't matter you still stayed here and didn't come after us."

I felt my heart pierce in pain as she stabbed me with those words. I wanted to say more to defend myself and tell her all the hardships I went through after she told me she was carrying my child and left me but when I opened my mouth nothing came out except my silent breath.

"Appa?" I turned around to see Mina looking at me, I made my way towards her but was stopped by a glass wall and suddenly all six of my band mates came from the sides of me towards Mina, "Appa!" She said as each of them gave her a kiss on the forehead not really sure who she was calling Appa because I was still stuck on this side.

"Why don't you go say hi to your daughter?" Yuna said from behind me but when I turned around she wasn't there, just an ice cold field and when I turned back around to look at Mina the boys were gone. This time it was her and Yuna. She was on one knee to meet Mina at eye level, but Mina's head was down which looked like she was crying. I walked towards them and this time there was no glass to separate me from them and before I spoke Mina said something first that made me stop and listen.

"The other kids are always making fun of me because I don't have a dad." She said while tears ran down her small cheek. I took a knee down to apologize to her but as my hand touched her cheek she didn't even flinch or look at me.

"It's okay Mina, You don't need a dad you have me and uncle Yoongi" I turned my head to Yuna who acted like I wasn't there and again when I tried to speak nothing came out. I felt the warmth coming up to my face and felt my eyes tearing up. I put my head down to wipe it away and once I lifted my head again they were both gone. There was nothing but dark trees and dead leaves.

"Jiminah." I turned around to the source of the voice but no one was there, "Jiminah... Jiminah" Still nobody so I just closed my eyes and let myself fall on the ground.

"Wake up Jiminah"

I slowly opened my eyes again and found myself in my bed with Yoongi hyung at the end tapping my leg.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Just a bad dream I guess." I looked around to see Mina not in the room, "Where's Mina?"

"Taehyung and Kookie took her to the park then they were going to meet Hobi at the dance studio"

"Oh, Rapmon hyung and Jin hyung?"

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