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Jimin's POV*

After walking Yuna out I grabbed my phone to shoot the guys a quick group text ,

Me: Yuna left already but just give me a few minutes with Mina before you guys come back out please.

And right away Yoongi answered.

Yoongi: Take your time Jimin-ah.

I put my phone back in my pocket and took in a deep breath to calm my nerves. I slowly made my way back to the living room to find Mina sitting on the couch while playing with her fingers just like her mother. I smiled at the thought and sat across from her on the coffee table.

"Hey," I started and she lifted her eyes from her hands and looked at me. I finally got to see my daughter up close and see the beautiful little girl me and Yuna created. She had the same long black hair her mom carried and took after her soft eyes that had lashes long enough to curl up. It was safe to say that her chubby cheeks and full lips that she got from me complimented them very well. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked as I got nervous in what to ask her.

She gave me a soft smile and nodded her head. I was kind of surprised at how quiet she got from when she first came in. She seemed so outgoing and not shy at all, Now she seems very closed in and uncomfortable. "Do I scare you?" I asked nervously.

She kind of laughed a little and shook her head, "Why are you laughing?" I teased her.

She shrugged her shoulders joyfully and finally spoke, "You're just funny"

I tried to play along with her because I didn't want her to stop talking as it made my heart feel warm, "Funny?" I paused and tried to make a weird face, "Do I look funny?"

I tried to play along with her because I didn't want her to stop talking as it made my heart feel warm, "Funny?" I paused and tried to make a weird face, "Do I look funny?"

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She finally giggled and I couldn't help but laugh with her. "You're so silly, I don't think you can be scary with that look." She said innocently.

I didn't understand what was so funny but I didn't care. At that moment, all I wanted was to hear that little giggle of hers knowing I made a little progress.

She got off the couch and stood in front of me which caught me by surprise. "Eomma told me you would be funny." She said as she hid her hands behind her back and swayed side to side, "I like funny people. That's why uncle Namjoon and Uncle Tae are my favorite. But don't tell Uncle Yoongi that." She giggled while hiding her mouth behind her hands. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. The little girl who came in earlier with so much enthusiasm was finally coming out of her shell.

"I won't" I promised and she stuck out her pinky in front of me.

"Pinky swear?" I connected my pinky with hers as a little gate to gaining her trust.

" Pinky swear." I smiled back. She unlocked her pinky from mine and sat back on the couch. A thought suddenly came to mind as I took the chance to ask Mina before I asked the guys, "Mina?" She looked at me and tilted her head, "Where did you meet your uncle Tae and Uncle Namjoon?"

She smiled brightly and clapped her hands together, "Oh! They brought me a big teddy bear on my birthday when I turned five!"

"And where did you celebrate your fifth birthday?" I asked nicely.

"At my house." She said joyfully.

Fifth birthday was at her house? Was Tae and Namjoon actually there to give it to her? I asked first before I started assuming.

"Was uncle Namjoon and uncle Tae there?"

"Ne." She nodded.

Why would they go on and see my daughter without me knowing? Especially all the way in Daegu?

"Oh." Was all I could say, I suddenly started feeling a little uneasy but asked anyways as to why they would go that far to see my daughter,"Mina, Do you know where you live?"

She nodded her head again and answered "Eomma told me the city we live in is Seoul."

Seoul? I thought they were here for vacation?

"How long have you lived in your house?"

"I don't remember." She shrugged. "It's been the same house since I was a baby."

a baby? What did that mean? Were they here all this time?

I knew I wouldn't be getting the answers I needed from an innocent six year old girl. But why would she be making up stories? I took deep breaths as I tried my best to hide my emotions and uneasiness. As soon as I caught myself once more I asked Mina if she was hungry so I could get myself out of the room to confront those two including Yoongi.

She nodded, "Arasso just wait here ok? I'll get uncle Jin to get our food ready." I got up and made my way to Jin's room where everyone seemed to be hanging out.

"Jin hyung can you help Mina eat? She's feeling hungry now."

"Ye, Finally! I want to spend some time with an actual human being in this house." He said sarcastically.

"Hobi hyung, Kookie, Do you mind helping him please?" They both nodded in agreement as they sensed that I wanted some alone time with the rest. They both made their way out and closed the door behind them.

"How did things go?" Yoongi asked.

I sat on the chair of Jin's desk and took a deep breath before I spoke calmly, "Did you guys think I wouldn't notice how Mina seemed to know you two very well?"

The silence in the room started to bring a ringing sound to my ears and started to irritate me, "I'm so tired of people hiding things from me. I'm tired of being lied to. I'm tired of always being left out on the loop. All I wanted was to see my daughter. Was that too much to ask for?" I said as I looked at the three of them who all had their heads down, not wanting to make eye contact with me. "Was it too much to want to be with her when she cried? OR took her first steps? Said her first words?" I started biting my lips as i tried to hold my tears back. "So for God's sake, Can I please get the truth?" I said angrily now but not yelling, "Was Yuna here for Mina's birthday or were they both here all this time with you guys knowing?"


I dont plan on putting any Mina POV's cus i can't really think like a six year old but lets just say when she was left alone with Jimin she just felt shy out of the blue knowing she was about to meet her dad and just like Jimin she was scared that he wasn't going to like her either. Let's just also say she finds almost everything funny so she can keep her innocence but is also very smart for her age.

I also thought Jimin kind of wanted answers to why Mina was so excited to see Tae and Namjoon and that maybe gives him the answer to where Yuna and Mina have been all this time?lolol

Please feel free to ask any questions because I want everything to make sense of course!

And please dont forget to leave feedback and votes :)

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