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"The reason I fell in love with you is because.." I paused after Jimin shook his head no, "is because.. actually I'm not sure why I fell in love with you" I joked. Jimin looked at me with a are you serious face.

I couldn't help but smile and lean across the table to peck his pouty lips

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I couldn't help but smile and lean across the table to peck his pouty lips. I pulled away but stayed still centimeters away "I love it when you get all serious"

He gave me a smirk. "I'll show you what serious is" Then kissed me quickly and forced me back to my seat.

"Araso, maybe tonight you finally can"

"Aish, you're always teasing me"

"Sorry, I'ts just so cute I can't help it" I responded smiling. "Plus, you started it"

We finally paid and finished up at the cute little restaurant by the river. We decided we were too tired to do anything else so we just ended our night and walked our way back home.

phone rings*


Yoongi spoke "Hey, Mom and Dad said they won't be home for another week because of some more business meetings in Italy and I'm still with Namjoon writing some music" He paused, "I don't think we'll finish anytime soon, so I'll probably just stay over his house. Do you want me to call Ari to sleepover so you're not alone?"

I looked to my side to see Jimin watching the cars pass by as we walk hand in hand back home. "Actually, I'm still with Jimin right now, would you be okay if he stayed the night?" I hesitated.

"Yeah, that's actually better so if something happens he can protect you."

"Gomawo oppa"

"Just make sure you kids use protection."

"Yoongi!" I yelled at the phone. he laughed then hung up.

"What happened?" Jimin turned to me.

"My parents are extending their business trip."

"Again?" His face turned concerned when I nodded my head, "Don't they know your final year of high school is starting in like two weeks?"

I looked back at him "I think so, but they wont be gone the whole time" I laughed. "I know they're hardly ever home but I know they know that me and Yoongi still exist... Speaking of our final year, that means I'll hardly see you now" My smile was replaced with a pout.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

I remembered how my older brother told me a couple months ago how me and Jimin's senior year will be around the same time they debut. Since my parents were hardly ever around because of their business meetings, it was pretty much just always Yoongi and I at the house and they figured he was old enough to take care of the both of us while they were gone rather than hiring some old lady to watch over us. So I guess he told me so I can get used to being home alone.

Love You Long Time [{*COMPLETED*}]Where stories live. Discover now