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Jimin's POV*

I placed my hand over the stinging sensation on my cheek and just looked at Yuna. I didn't ask her why she slapped me or questioned any of her actions. She had every right to feel what she was feeling.

"How can you do this Jimin?" She said angrily and just then Yoongi hyung got up and left the room but I kept my eyes on Yuna, "I thought bringing her here was gonna put all the burden that's been bothering me this whole time to rest! I get out of the country for a quick minute and I receive news that my daughter got kidnapped?!" She said as she ran her hands through her hair and paced back and fourth.

I felt like a little kid being lectured for breaking a glass vase except this was the mom of my daughter who was making me feel more bad than I already was.

"Which by the way, I hear that you left her with a complete stranger?!" She asked sarcastically, "I think anyone who was an actual parent would know to not leave their kid with a stanger. Are you that stupid?"

I was starting to get annoyed about how she was talking to me. She was acting like she was the only concerned parent here. I dont know if it was just the frustration in her but I was trying to understand Yuna but now I've reached my limit. "Stupid?" I answered right away, "Do you really think I would leave Mina with a stranger?"

"If you were a good parent you would leave her with someone you trusted." She crossed her arms and turned her back on me. I was taken aback and couldn't believe the girl that was in front of me. She was throwing accusations left and right without asking me what happened.

"If I was a good parent? Are you fucking kidding me Yuna?" I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face me again. "How the fuck am I even gonna be a good parent when you took that chance away?"

"When I  took that chance away?" She laughed sarcastically, "Look around Jimin, MINA IS GONE. SHE'S MISSING. WHY? because I left her in the care of your hands!"

At this point, once again she wasn't being fair so I yelled back, "In the care of my hands my ass! You fucking dumped her here and left! You're the stupid one for leaving your daughter in the care of seven men!"

She took a step towards me and slapped me again, "Don't feel too special Jimin." She said coldly, "I only left her here with my brother because I didn't want to be another burden to Soomi and Ari." then she turned her back on me once more and tried walking out again. I grabbed her hand and walked in front of her blocking the door.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I didn't let go of her hand while she stared at the ground, "Why do you think so low of me?" I hissed and she immediately twisted her hands out of mine. She turned around again making her way back to the living room while I followed behind, "What is wrong with you?! Why are you always turning your back on me?"

"Jimin we don't need this right now, Mina is missing! My daughter is missing-"

"Our daughter is missing and you're acting like I don't mean anything or if she doesn't mean anything to me!"

She collapsed on the ground defeated and buried her head in her hands and started to cry. I took a deep breath to calm down and sat on the floor facing her. I slowly took her hands from her face to look into her eyes and spoke softly, "Why are you doing this Yuna?"

She rubbed her eyes and finally looked at me too, "You won't understand."

"Help me understand then..." I paused, "Don't you get it? You're trying to be super mom but it's eating you up. I know I haven't been there for you or Mina-

"Don't say that." She cut me off.

I ignored her and continued anyway, "But I'm her dad too. Let me be the dad she needs right now. Let me do my job and be a man. I'm finally here- No. We're both finally here and what she needs is both of us. We're gonna find her Yuna, You just have to trust me, Trust us, We have to be on the same page for her." I wiped the single tear falling down her cheek and got up and offered her my hand. "Let's forget what happened tonight and focus on finding Mina. I think we can both do that right?"

She nodded her head and took a deep breath. She looked so tired and I realized she still had to go home, "Just stay here for the night. You had a long day." I offered, "You can stay in the extra room that was for Mina."

I walked her down the hall into Mina's room and we both felt the tension once we walked in. We both felt the heavy aura of our missing daughter.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked, she shook her head and I gave her a slight smile before closing the door behind me. I leaned on the door for a quick moment and thought about that pointless argument we just had. Another day with unanswered questions but it didn't matter at the moment. We needed to find Mina and that was our number one priority at the moment.

I walked my way down Yoongi's room and knocked before I opened his door.


"Ne?" I walked in and sat on the edge of his bed while he stared at the ceiling.

"Where is everybody?"

"They were with BangPD but now they're on the way to the police."

"Oh.. Why didn't we go with them?"

"Well they knew Yuna was coming so they wanted you guys to meet first I guess. And Namjoon said they owe you that much."

"Owe me for what?"

"He felt bad enough that he kept Mina a secret from you."

I was a little confused, "That doesn't make sense? I think we all should still be looking for her."

"Jiminah we all know how you are. If anything like this happened to any of us, we know you'd go the extra mile for us. They just really want to help. Just let them." He sat up and looked at me, "If you ask me I say you fix your situation with Yuna first so that when Mina comes back maybe she'll finally get the complete family she deserves."

"Yeah, I don't know about that.. I'm sure you heard us outside."

He shrugged his shoulders and pouted his lips, "No ones perfect right? People who love each other still argue and have ups and downs. You said it yourself that you still love her." Despite the hurtful words she threw at me, he was right I still loved the girl.

"But what if she doesn't love me anymore?"

"She still loves you Jimin. Believe me."

"How do you know?"

"She's made the dumbest decisions in life before and I can see it in her eyes that she regrets every single bit of it."

"We'll never really know for sure will we?" I looked at him and he just raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe all of this happened for a reason you know?"

 I didn't answer because I didn't know what to respond to that so we both stayed quite for a moment, "How are you so calm by the way.."

"I'm not. I'm just as worried as you guys." Then I remembered he wasn't that well with expressing his emotions either. "My one and only niece is missing. How am I supposed to stay calm?"

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