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Jimin's POV*

I sat in the living room couch staring at how Taehyung and Yoongi made Mina laugh while they played with a tea set they brought along with her other stuff. I gathered my thoughts about how Yoongi was right, as much as I felt hurt being lied to, the only person that could give me answers was Yuna. I got up from the couch to distract myself and helped Jin hyung finish cleaning up the kitchen and dining table.

"What's bothering you?" He asked.

"What?" I looked at him in confusion.

"You're always the one to hide in your room right after we eat. Well, besides Yoongi too." I smiled and sat on the counter drowning in my own thoughts, "You know Jiminshi, We all felt it."

"Felt what?"

He put down the dishes and turned off the sink to face me sensing that I was bothered, "We all felt the frustration and pain you were going through." I put my head down and stared at my lap, "You don't have to be ashamed by it. It wasn't your fault and whatever she did, I'm sure she had her reasons." He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up to him, "All that matters now is that Mina is here so stop hiding and go out there. "

"What if she doesn't like me.."

"I heard you two giggling earlier. You two will get along fine."

I smiled softly and jumped off the counter towards the living room because he was right, Why waste another minute with all that time I had lost with her before, "Jiminshi, One last thing" I turned around to face him again before I exited the kitchen, "She's just like you." I tilted my head to the side in confusion and he answered, "Do you remember the boy who tried to make everyone love him when we first moved into this dorm?"

I chuckled to myself and quickly remembered how everything was funny to me back then and how I got along with everyone just by being myself.

"Thanks Hyung" I said and headed towards where Yoongi and Taehyung were playing with Mina. I took a deep breath and interrupted their little pretend tea party, "Can I join?"

Mina looked up at me and smiled widely, "Ne!" I sat down and took my place on the floor in between her and Tae, "Do you like chocolate cake or strawberry cake?"

"How about you choose for me?"

"I like Chocolate, So you can have chocolate like me." She said joyfully and I laughed to myself thinking about how I would've chose chocolate anyway.

"Taehyungshi we have practice we better get going." Yoongi said and got up.

Me and Tae looked at each other, "Practice? We have practice today?" I asked.

"Aniyo just me and Tae" He grabbed his shoulder and we both knew he meant to give me time with Mina.

"Uncle Yoongi, Where you going?"

"Mina we'll be back we have to practice."

"Can I come?" She asked Joyfully.

"You're gonna get bored," Yoongi scolded. I deadpanned and looked at him. I thought he wanted to give me some alone time with my daughter yet he was sounding like it would be an option.

"Sam chon! You know I can dance, I just want to watch." I looked at her, Dance? a six year old can dance?

"So you want to leave Jimin alone?" He interrupted my thoughts.

"We can all go! Gaja!" Taehyung said.

All four of us along side Mina headed to the dance studio in Yoongi's car. It was a pretty silent  10 minute ride except for when Mina would stare at me and when I stared back at her she would giggle and look away, which I found so cute.

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