Thirty Five

35 3 0

Yuna's POV*

Jimin and I decided to stay a little longer in the runaway home that they provided for us and after almost a week of alone time it's like me and him never separated from the very beginning. Instead of calling Namjoon or Yoongi oppa, we thought it would be better if we surprised them.

"How do you think we should tell Mina?" He asked while we sat hand in hand on the train back home.

I gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm not sure. I guess we'll just have to figure it out when we get there." I placed my head on his shoulder and he nodded his head while giving me a kiss on my forehead.

After a few hours, We finally reached home. I stood frozen in front of the apartment complex feeling nervous not knowing how they'd react.

"Yuna," Jimin snapped me out of it and reached his hand out to me which I happily took and we made our way to the dorm.

Before Jimin could even ring the doorbell the door swung open and out came a screaming Mina.

Jimin squatted down with a crying Mina crashing into his arms, "Mina, Why are you crying baby?" He asked while I squatted down to the both of them and kissing her forehead but she only hugged Jimin tighter and buried her head on the crook of his neck.

"I missed you guys."

"Were you waiting for us love?" I asked while patting her head and she only shook her head.

I looked up to see Yoongi running up the door to us. Jimin picked up Mina without her letting go of her dad.

"Hey?" Yoongi asked us confused, "How'd you guys get here?" The others started coming to the door with the same facial expression.

"We took the train." Jimin said while walking in right passed them and I followed with my head down because I felt all their eyes on me. We both didn't bother stopping to say hello to everyone because we wanted to calm our crying daughter so we took her straight to Jimin's room.

Mina finally lifted her head and saw me. She reached out for me as I grabbed her and sat on the bed. I wiped her tears away and placed her hair behind her ears, "Stop crying love, we're here now arraseo?" She ran her arm across her cheek and nodded while Jimin sat on the bed right next to me.

He then grabbed her cheek softly and kissed her forehead, "We're not leaving anymore, I promise." He said without removing his lips from her forehead. I slowly pulled her into my arms again and Jimin placed the both of us on his lap and we stayed like that for a moment taking in our first family moment.

"Mina, Baby were you waiting for us all this time?" I asked without removing her head from my chest and she nodded slowly. I gave her a long loving kiss on the top of her head until I felt her breathing calm down from all her crying.

Still locked in Jimins arms, I looked at him nervously, "So, What are we going to say to them?"

"Just answer whatever questions they have?" We both looked at each other and then laughed quietly knowing we were just about to get bombarded with questions.

I finally got up with Mina still in my arms and noticed she fell asleep. I tucked her into bed and what perfect time it was because now we have to face the others. Jimin then got up and placed his hand on the doorknob but looked at me before he opened the door, "Ready?"

I nodded my head and out the room we went. As expected we walked into the living room with all the boys sitting on the floor and couch as if they were waiting for us. Me and Jimin sat across them on the other couch not saying a word. We all sat there in silence until someone spoke up.

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