Thirty Four

32 3 0

Yuna's POV*

The touch of a warm towel patting my head woke me up and I slowly open my eyes to see Jimin on the side of the bed. He looks at me and gives me a small smile.

"Hey," He said and I smiled back, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel tired but better."

"Are you hungry?" I shook my head, then he sighed heavily, "Well, I made soup for you. You have to eat something. It's been two days." He made soup for me? "Yuna. C'mon sit up." 

He brought me back from my thoughts, "Two days?" I asked while I sat up and he nodded. He grabbed the bowl of soup and slowly fed me.

"Thank you."

"Don't worry about it." He said while placing the bowl back down and we both stayed there quiet for a moment.

"Hmm well, Since its been two days I better go shower." I laughed quietly to myself and got up to head to the bathroom.

After about a twenty minute bath I headed back out and went straight to bed placing the sheets over my cold legs while Jimin was washing the dishes in the tiny kitchen across me.

He looked at me and gave me a small smile and continued with what he was doing. Did I miss something? So far, he hasn't given me a cold shoulder so I bit my lip and wanted to ask something that's been bothering me this whole time we've been here, "Do.. Do you think we'll ever be okay?"

He looked at me again, "What do you mean?" He asked while turning off the sink and wiping his hands with a kitchen towel then making his way towards me.

I waited until he sat on the bed with me, "Do you think you'll ever forgive me?"

He thought for a moment, "Do you?"

"What? Jimin, "I paused, "I was never mad at you. I'm the one who owes you so much and caused you so much trouble."

"That's not true." He sat a little closer and placed his hand on mine, "Back then, I never meant for you to feel like my dream was more important than you. " He paused and hung his head low, "When I found out you left, of course I was upset. I was upset because you didn't tell me anything, you left without warning. After the argument we had when you told me about Mina, I was caught by surprise but it didn't mean I wanted nothing to do with you. We were young but I knew you were the one I wanted to spend my life with. Although I wanted to sing and dance I wanted you to be there along the way. You were my best friend. You were always a part of that dream Yuna." I picked up his head with my hand to make him look at me but he grabbed my hand right away to prevent me from seeing his tears, "But what if Mina being taken away was a sign that I shouldn't have you guys be a part of my life? What if you leaving me was a good thing? What if something else happens? I wouldn't know what to do if another incident like that happened again. I don't know what I was trying to prove this whole time we were here but there's one thing I know and that's that I don't want to lose you or Mina again."

I moved in closer to him with just my face inches away from his and I placed my finger under his chin so he was looking at me, "Then don't." I searched his eyes while he looked at my lips. I didn't know what got into me but I took the chance and kissed him. My body suddenly became stiff from all my nerves because I was afraid of rejection but he didn't seem to hesitate. I slowly pulled away to look at him for reassurance that it was ok. To my surprise he started to pull in closer again and my heart began to pound out of my chest because this time he was the one to kiss me.

I pulled my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He started to run one hand down my arm while the other locked in my hair. He slowly started pushing me back down on my back while his lips were locked on mine. He started to kiss me aggressively but still passionate. I wrapped my legs around him while he put his hand under my shirt caressing my waist. His lips started to move to my cheeks and slowly down my neck.

"Wait, shouldn't we be going slow? You haven't healed." I said trying to catch my breath.

He laughed a little, "I don't mean to ruin the mood but... I was only supposed to use that for a week after the surgery."

I hit his chest playfully and laughed, "Are you serious?! Why'd you leave it on then?"

He pushed my hair behind my ear and pursed his lips, "It was the only way I got you to get closer to me without me giving in." He kissed my forehead then ran his finger over the scar I had gotten when he accidentally pushed me in the bathroom.

I shook my head and giggled at the thought. I grabbed his face in both of my hands, "Does this mean we're okay?" I asked shyly.

"More than okay." He said and planted a kiss on my lips.

Everything in my body started to come alive. His lips melted with mine and we were becoming one. I ran my hand down his back and landed on the hem of his shirt and slowly took off his shirt. He placed his lips on my neck again and lightly sucked on my skin. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he lifted me up with him so we were both sitting but still tangled up. He grabbed the hem of my shirt this time and took it off. He looked me up and down and smiled.

"You're beautiful Yuna." I felt my face turn warm and I smiled.

"I.." He said slowly then planted a kiss on my lips, "love.." and another, "you.." and another but didn't take his lips off mine this time.

"I love you too." I mumbled in between our lips and felt his smile through the kisses. Not removing his lips from mine, he placed his hand on my shoulder and slowly removed the strap of my bra so it hung on my arm. The soft touch of his fingers ran up my spine so he could unhook my bra while I sat there topless. He half carried me so I laid on my back again and then grabbed my leg so I was cradling him. Jimin pushed his waist on me so I can feel him rising. His fingers ran down the side of my body and placed his hands in between the hem of my pants and underwear before stopping and looking at me again, "Is this okay with you?"

I nodded my head, "You're all I ever wanted Jimin." and he continued to smoothly take off my pants while his lips were still locked on mine. All I ever wanted was to be happy and Jimin was the main source of that. Now that he's forgiven me, All I want to do is make him happy and I'm willing to do whatever it takes so that he always has a smile on his face. Along side Mina I hope this is just the very beginning of my happily ever after.


OMG just one more chapter and my very first story is done! ugh I didn't think it would take me this long or had the story turn out this way .. I had a way different idea lol but OH WELL I'm a beginner x)

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