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Jimin's POV

"Jimin-shi, you're half a second late on each move" Hoseok started to scold me.

"Mianhae Hyung" I took a deep breath and we started from the top. I tried to keep my pace with the rest of the group but I just couldn't seem to be on beat. I turned to take a step to my right and accidently stepped on Taehyungs foot.

"Aigo! Just take five everyone" Hoseok yelled out in frustration. I turned to Taehyung to make sure he was ok.

"I'm alright, it was an accident" He said while leaning against the wall to rest. I sat beside him and rubbed the sides of my head as I recalled last night's argument with Yuna. "You alright bro?"

I turned and looked up at him. "Ya. I just got into an argument with Yuna"

Jimin's flashback*

"No, You're right. I forgot your dream was always first. How can I be so dumb and forget that?" She said I was taken aback at the sudden change of Yuna's response. "I think it's best if we just took a break and figure it out on the way?"

"Yuna, Don't do this" I pleaded. I didn't expect her to say that. I was just so surprised at the sudden news I couldn't really process what was going on. 

"No, I will do this. Since it is my responsibility and after what you just said, It reminded me of something..My dream... My dream is for you to always be happy. My dream is for your dreams to come true. If that includes me not being in the process then I can live with that."

Everything she just said hit me like a ton of bricks. "That's not fair Yuna." I took in a deep breath and sat down next to her again. I was starting to gain myself back. "Look, I didn't mean to say that it was your fault for trusting me because it was a decision that I made too. I'm just trying to take in all of this." I took her hand in mine once again and made her look at me, "I know you know that being an idol has been a dream of mine for a long ass time. But I don't think you understand why ." She stayed silent so I continued, "Do you remember when we first started dating I told you how much I loved to sing and dance?" She nodded "You were the person who made me realize that I didn't want to sing and dance just as a hobby, but as for a living. Not for the money or the fame but to inspire."

"Jimin, you don't need to explain that to me or make me understand because that's your dream I understand." She took her hand out of mine and looked down at her lap, tears falling down her eyes, "I think we both had enough today, let's just  both take some time for our own. This obviously was some sudden news and a lot to take in."

I didn't want to leave with unspoken words but she was right. This was all too sudden and we both needed to figure out what we wanted.

"Arasso, but please don't make any sudden decisions without discussing it with me, okay?" I kissed her forehead and she nodded. I stood up to walk myself out and I turned to look back at her one more time to see her sobbing while her hands laid on her belly.

End of Flashback*

"Alright let's get back to practice guys" Hoseok said while starting up the music.

"It's ok Bro, You know girls. They'll get over it if you just buy them flowers" Taehyung laughed as he walked back to his spot.

"Don't worry about it Jimin-shi, just focus on yourself right now." Yoongi hyung said while helping me get back to practice.


Yuna hasn't texted me or called me for almost two weeks already. I also noticed she hasn't been around during lunch time with Soomi and Ari which probably meant she wasn't at school either. Every time I asked them they always said they didn't know. I even tried asking Yoongi a couple of times during practice but he always said he was tired. I was starting to get really frustrated with Yuna not returning my calls or messages so I decided to just go to her house and find out what's going on with her.

I knocked on the door and Yoongi opened it after a short while.

"Jimin, What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Hyung is Yuna here?"

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Yoongi! You're sisters been ignoring my calls and text messages! I haven't seen her in school and every time I ask you, you ignore me" I finally let out all my frustration out on him, "Yuna's pregnant with my child so I think I kind of have a right to know where she is!"

"Ok, Ok, Calm down." he  tilted his head to the side as a sign for me to come in.


"Daegu? What is she doing in Daegu?" I asked in confusion.

Yoongi kind of hesitated before he spoke "She's gonna finish her school there"

"What?" I felt my heart drop and started to worry, "What do you mean she's going to finish school there?"

He got up to head to the kitchen and came back out with a letter in his hand.

"I hope this explains it" He said while handing me the envelope. I looked at him then at the envelope and opened it, reading it silently to myself.

To my Dearest Jimin,

By the time you read this letter, I'll probably be on my way to Daegu already. I'm sorry that I have to do this to you especially through a stupid piece of paper . I knew that If I told you face to face you'd convince me to stay and I've decided that's not what I wanted. I decided that I want to raise this child on my own. I know it sounds unreasonable but everything's already done. There's a school here where I can finish all my studies and I have my aunt here who will help through this process. Please do me a favor and  don't feel like this child is one of your responsibilities. I promise to love and cherish him or her with all my heart and raise her to the best of my abilities. And If you love me, you'd let me go and live out your dream. That's all I ever wanted for you.


I let out the tears that were forming in my eyes and crumpled the paper. "Where is she hyung?" I started out slowly

"Jimin, I can't tell-"

"Bullshit!" I cut him off, "Is this for real? She's gonna leave me like this?" I said standing up as I lifted the paper in my hand and looked down at Yoongi in anger. "Did she not consider my feelings or the outcome of this? How can she be so selfish and just think about herself? Does she not know that this child is gonna grow up with an incomplete family? Or the fact that I'm not gonna be in their lives and look like a bad father? What is she gonna tell that kid?" I finished trying to catch my breath.

"Jimin I understand where you're coming from and don't think I'm being biased because she's my sister but I think you should just trust her."

"Trust her? How can I trust her when she told me we were going to work this out together and here she is leaving me with nothing but a stupid ass letter."

Yoongi pursed his lips, "Jimin listen," He said seriously now, "I'm not saying this as your band member but I'm saying this as a friend and an older brother. I say you let this go and focus on you now. In just a couple of weeks we're going to debut and I personally think you don't need this extra weight on your shoulders. I know it sounds fucked up but this is a one in a lifetime opportunity. Just grab it while you can. Who knows maybe in the future you guys will find your way back into each others lives."

I sat back down in defeat. This was all too sudden and very hurtful. I can't believe the pain Yuna just left me in.



UGH YUNA HOW COULD YOU.. any who I hope my jimin pov wasn't too similar to yuna's :)

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