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Jimin's POV*

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked the guys after Yuna ran off from the bathroom. Kookie and Tae looked at each other and walked back to the living room.

"Jiminah, What happened?" Namjoon hyung asked.

I took a deep breath and looked at them, "Can someone please help me. My back is starting to ache."

Jin hyung made his way to me and finally helped me. I can feel all of them still staring me down so I pinched the bridge of my nose and gave in, "I just don't like Yuna seeing me like this."

"What do you mean?" Jin asked.

"What if she thinks I'm a weak person? How am I supposed to let her know that I'm strong enough to protect Mina?  What if she takes her away from me again? I can't do that with this stupid brace on me."

Yoongi took a deep breath, "You do realize that you got that brace for a reason right?" I sat on the edge of the shower as soon as Jin finished  tightening my brace. No matter what the facts were, I still felt helpless..

"Hyung.." I paused and looked at Yoongi remembering that I pushed Yuna pretty hard, "Do you mind checking on her?" He looked confused.


I told the others I accidently pushed her as soon as Yoongi walked away.

"You pushed her?" Jin asked.

"I didn't mean to."

"It was an accident. You shouldn't put yourself this low Jiminah." Hobi said.

"I can't help it. I'm just so frustrated."

"What do you want us to do then? So you don't feel so frustrated?"  Jin asked.

I ran my hand through my hair, "I don't know. Maybe it's her." I stopped and realized something, "Why is she here anyways? Every time I look at her, I just feel weak."

"Actually," Hobi started slowly, "She asked if she could move in here with us.."


They all looked at each other but Namjoon was the one who spoke, "Well, Yoongi told us she wanted to make it up to you. And we all agreed because we also thought about Mina. It would be good to have the both of you here with her." He paused, "Do you not want her here?"

I shook my head, "It's not that.. It's just, It's constantly the same thing with her." We all stayed there in silence, "What if I'm done trying to fix whatever we have?"

"The tables have turned Jiminah. She's the one who wants to make it up to you now. Just give her a chance." Jin responded.

Hobi continued, "You don't have to chase after her anymore. But you also don't have to push her away."

"He's right. We all know you guys aren't just going to get back together and even if it was for Mina. We can all see, no.. we can feel that you guys still love each other." Namjoon finished.

Yuna's POV* 

I leaned my head against the cold chain of the swing as my tears from earlier started to dry. I looked up at the dark sky and wondered why the sudden 180 from Jimin. I wasn't upset that he was treating me the way he was because I deserved it. I guess it just wasn't what I was expecting since he was always the one with the short end.

"Hey there Kiddo." I turned around and saw Yoongi making his way towards me. His eyes widened as soon as he saw my face, "Yuna what happened to your cheek?" He cupped my face and examined it.

I looked at him confused and then I remembered the incident earlier. I smiled and removed his hand, "Ah nothing, You know how clumsy I am. I tripped and fell on a bush."

"That's a big cut Yuna and it's still open. We need to stitch it up."

"Aniyo," I grabbed his arm and looked at the empty swing next to me, signaling him to sit which he followed. We both stared at the sky and my eyes started to water again. "This is the part I hate the most."

"What part?" He whispered.

"Where you sit somewhere quietly and wonder what you did to end up in a certain situation." I laughed sarcastically to myself. "It sucks because we had to go through all of this for me to realize how much I regret leaving someone I really loved," My tears finally overflowed and ran down my face, "and the worst part was that he loved me even more."

I felt Yoongi get up from the swing and kneeled in front of me. He removed my hands from my face and wiped my tears away, "Yuna, What do I always tell you? What's done is done. Just think about what you can do to show him you made a mistake. You still love him right?" I pursed my lips and nodded, "That's what I thought. Stop crying and win him back."

"What if he doesn't want me anymore?"

"Whatever happens between you two, Don't let it end like this. Arraseo?"


HI LOVELYS! omg this story isnt turning out the way i wanted it to... GAH but why restart it SIGH* anyways its almost done! yay first book almost doneeee. maybe a few more chapters??? please vote and leave feedback. Authors best gifts are critisizm... MUCH LOVE.

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