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Yuna's POV*

"You look so beautiful!" Soomi screamed in joy.

"You really think so?" I asked shyly while looking at myself in the mirror.

My mother placed the veil over my head and looked at me through the mirror, "Yuna, She's right you look beyond beautiful. Jimin's going to flip when he sees you."

I turn around to face the three of them while Ari handed me my bouquet of flowers, "You're the most beautiful bride there is." She said while squeezing my hand for reassurance.

"Eomma! It's time!" Mina screamed into the room with the wedding planner right behind her.

"Ne. Mrs soon to be Park" The planner said and I felt my face turn red.

"Arraseo." and one by one they all started to leave the room leaving me on my own. As I waited for my time to come I stared out into the ocean view. Jimin's boss was nice enough to let us have our wedding here at the runaway house we spent the two weeks to make up. We decided to have it intimate with only close family and friends. It was the perfect setting in the backyard with the beautiful ocean and setting sun as the background.

A light knock on the door brought me back from my thoughts, "Come in!"

The door opened and Yoongi peaked his head through the door, "Are you ready?" I nodded and sighed heavily while making my way towards him, "You look nervous." He laughed.

"Who wouldn't be."

"Don't worry he's out there waiting for you." I shook my head and we both made our way out.

Although my dad was out there, it wouldn't feel right if Yoongi didn't't walk me down the aisle. He was the one who was always there for me and raised me while my parents were gone.

"Thank you oppa." I said while we waited behind the double doors. He looked at me and gave me his gummy smile.

"Don't worry about it. Just worry about yourself and your family now, Arraseo?"

"Ne." I responded while he kissed my forehead.

He grabbed my hand and placed it on his arm, "You look beautiful." I smiled and the doors finally opened. There he was, at the end of the aisle waiting for me with a big smile on his face.

 There he was, at the end of the aisle waiting for me with a big smile on his face

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All my family and friends suddenly disappeared. Even the arm of Yoongi felt like it fell off my hand. The only person I saw was Jimin. I was finally going to marry the only man I've loved, the only one I've always wanted to be with, my best friend. I was suddenly going down memory lane as I made my way closer to him. Everything we went through started crashing down on me and I couldn't stop my tears from falling. I was so overwhelmed with joy that my vision started to blur. My breathing became short and the air suddenly became thin. And when I finally reached the end of the aisle my legs became numb and the last thing I remember was falling into his arms.

Jimin's POV*


"Appa! Wait for me!" I turned around to see Mina catching up to me with a bouquet of flowers in her arms leaving a rose trail behind her. I waited till she caught up and I picked her up instead so she didn't have to run to keep up with me.

I placed Mina down as soon as we reached Yuna, "Hey love." I kneeled down and took the leaf off that covered her name on the stone then placed the candle on the ground that I had brought to light up for her.



It was never my favorite thing to come here and visit her because of the painful memories it always brought me but I had to be strong for the sake of Mina. To show her that I love and miss her mother everyday.

I always think about the day she collapsed in my arms. When she said yes to marrying me, never would I have thought that she would leave me again. Especially in the way that she did. Since she came back and fell into coma the very first time, not once did we think about her health again. She looked so happy and healthy that it didn't occur to us to even ask her if she was okay. After that day, she spent the rest of her four weeks in the intensive care unit.

I was still lucky enough to have had married her in the hospital while she was still strong enough to speak. We all tried our best to find cures and ways to make her live longer but as days passed it only got worse and when the day finally came, my world became silent.

Yoongi tried his best to comfort Mina but she's just a little girl who doesn't understand the meaning of death. I closed myself in and didn't know what to do. Until the day she visited my dreams.

Jimin, what are you doing? Why aren't you taking care of yourself? If you don't take care of yourself who's going to look after Mina? You have to be strong for me, love. I'm okay, I promise. I'll be waiting for you, Don't worry. But in the mean time please watch over our family. I love you Park Jimin.

"Appa, are you crying again?" Mina asked, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Ani." I said while wiping the guilt off my face.

She walked towards me and placed my face in her tiny hands, "Eomma told me she's in a better place."

I smiled and grabbed her hands in mine, "I know baby." then planted a kiss on her forehead.

I looked at the roses we brought earlier that laid on the ground, "Are those for eomma?"

She nodded her head, "Ne, These are her favorite flowers."

"Did you pick them?" I asked while we both planted them on the ground.

"Appa you were with me when we brought them." She giggled.

"Mianhe." I teased and looked at her beautiful face that looked just like Yuna.

I hugged her then placed her on my lap when we finished and we both sat there enjoying the cool breeze, "I miss her." She whispered quietly.

"Me too Mina.."

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