Twenty Five

39 4 0

Jimin's POV*

"Mina! Where are you?" I asked as soon as I heard her voice.

"I want to go home!"

"Shut up you little brat! You are so annoying." A woman's voice said through the other end.

"Ow!" Mina yelled. I got up from Yuna's bed in shock.

"Mina, Is she hurting you?!" I closed my fist in anger.

All I could hear is Mina's helpless cries which caused my eyes to tear up.

"Hello Jimin." Lia's voice came on, It didn't sound like the noona I thought I was friends with. It sounded more of a desperate woman trying to prove something to someone in an evil way, "I guess you're wondering why I have Mina aren't you?"

"You stupid bitch! Bring Mina back to us!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Oh Jimin you are so naive. Do you really think I would take Mina without reason?" She laughed, "What would I do with a dumb little girl?"

"What do you want?"

"Simple." She said sarcastically, "You"

I mocked her and laughed, "Are you serious? And what makes you think I want you?"

"You're going to want me Jimin. I may have signed the contract to keep Mina a secret from your loyal fans, but just imagine how much they'll hate you when they find out you knocked up some random bitch."

Bighit made contracts for employee staff to keep my little secret within doors as they figured it would ruin BTS's image. Back then, I thought singing and dancing was my only dream, but after losing Mina and Yuna for almost six years, I had found myself a new dream and that was to have the two most important people in my life with me at all times.

"You can ruin me all you want Lia. Just please don't hurt Mina.  I'll do anything you want." I begged.

"I already told you what I want and if you don't do as I say I won't just ruin your image, I'll make this stupid girl and her mom's life a living hell. And don't under estimate me Jimin. You have no idea what I can do."

I didn't hesitate and told her what she wanted to hear, "Okay Okay! I'll do what you ask. Just please don't touch her." I begged.

"One more thing," I didn't respond, "Don't bring anyone with you and if I find out you do, Mina will never see the light of day."

"Just tell me where you are!"

"I'm giving you fifteen minutes to get to XXXXX XXXXXX."

"Fifteen min-" She cut me off as I was going to say her destination takes 30 minutes.

"Fifteen minutes Jimin. If you don't meet your time, then poor little Mina will never see her family again." The line went dead and my heart started to pound.

I look at a peaceful Yuna and kissed her cheek, "We're going to get Mina back I promise you." I ran outside the room as fast as I could while I dialed Yoongi hyung on the phone.

"Cmon pick up!" I muttered through my teeth and after four rings he answered with a husky voice, "Hyung!"


"Lia called me!"

"What?!" He finally woke up.

I call for the taxi as soon as I step outside the hospital with the phone still in my ear and went inside to give the directions to the taxi driver, "Look, I don't have time to explain."

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