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6 years earlier

Yuna's POV

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and double checked to make sure I had nothing in my nose, or teeth. I grabbed my boyfriends favorite shade of red lips stick and ran it down my bottom lip then smacked the two together to even out the color. I quickly finished touching up heading out of my bathroom super excited to spend my one year anniversary with my loving boyfriend. Right before I went down stairs to meet him I quickly sprayed on my everyday perfume that he loved so much. He says it smells like daisies blooming on a spring day, which I thought hmm how descriptive can this boy get lol.

I headed downstairs not hiding my excitement at all and quickly ran into Jimin with my arms swinging around his neck to hug him. I snuggled my nose into the crook of his neck and breathed in his sweet smell. "Hey Beautiful" he whispered into my ear, "Missed me?"

I shook my head with my nose still attached to his neck and squeezed him tighter. "Didn't you just see him, like, last night?" My brother Yoongi said with a disgusted face sitting on the couch.

I finally let go of Jimin to look at my annoying big brother, "Oppa, You're just jealous you don't have a love life."

"Who needs a love life when you have swag like me?" He responded and lifted his shoulders up in a confident way, "Plus, I won't have any time for that when I'm too busy making genius music. Jimin knows that." He then looked at Jimin with a smirk.

"Araso swag genius" I started pulling Jimin out the door and waved to my brother, "i'll be back before midnight"

"Bye hyung!" Jimin said before turning his back to Yoongi.

He then yelled, "You two be careful!"


We were walking hand in hand along the river by an outside flee market where we had our first kiss exactly one year ago.

Jimin and I didn't really have an "official" date as to when we started actually dating, We just both knew that after that first kiss it was a done deal. Everything just felt right and everything just pretty much fell into place.

Yuna's Flashback*

"Yuna, Let's hangout again after school today, ya?" Jimin asked as he walked me to my last class of the day.

"Sure, what are we going to do this time?"

"Hmm, Enjoy each others presence? Like always" He asked trying to look innocent.

I just smiled and shook my head walking into my class and seeing Jimin off to his.

The bell for the end of the school day rang and I made my way to my locker where I saw a smiling Jimin waiting for me. I've known Jimin for so long yet the boy still gives me butterflies everytime I see him looking my way.

"Why are you smiling so big?" I started while smiling with him.

"Because I get to hangout with the prettiest girl in school today. AGAIN" 

Jimin and I weren't an item but we knew we liked each other so we hung out a lot when I wasn't with my best friends Soomi and Ari. Since Jimin was going to debut in an idol group alongside my oppa Yoongi, Soomi's twin brother, Taehyung and Ari's older brother, Namjoon, and their other friends, Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook. We all were very close but me and Jimin just had a special bond.

He continued, "I also already told Yoongi hyung that I'll walk you home after because we have dance practice later so we can just go to the studio together."

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