Twenty Two

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Jimin's POV*

I sat on the cold sand as I watched the sun set. I listened to the waves crash on the shore and stared into the oceans view. I needed time to think. I needed time to be alone. I needed to figure out what to do next, where to begin, where to go. My emotions were running through me as I sat there numb. I hid my head in between my knees and thought about everything that happened this morning.

Jimin's Flashback*

I finally decided to look at Yuna when the police asked about any familiar spots Mina might have ran to because I didn't really go anywhere with her besides the studio and dorm. I stared at Yuna knowing she wouldn't look at me after what happened in last night's event. Her eyes were puffy and her lips were pale. I was brought back from my gaze when the police mentioned Mrs.Park to Yuna. I turned back to Yuna who didn't even flinch or look at me when he mentioned it. As Taehyung and Hobi spoke I noticed Yuna blinking her eyes constantly and shaking her head. Her chest started to move quickly as she was trying to catch her breath.

"Yuna!" I called out trying to grab her before she fell on her back from the chair. Everyone turned to Yuna in shock and rushed to her. I sat on the floor by her side cradling her into my arms.

"Hyung! what the heck happened to her?! She's freakin cold!" I panicked while holding her hand.

"I- I don't know someone just call an ambulance!" Yoongi yelled back.

"I'm on it." One of the police interrupted and went out of ear shot, "Let me check if she has a pulse," The other one who questioned us earlier said as he took a knee next to me. He was touching her forehead and slightly tapping her cheek to wake her up. "Mrs. Park, Mrs. Park.. Can you hear me?"

Yuna laid unconscious , The police man then took her out of my arms to lay her flat on the ground and started to pump her chest to performed CPR. After another minute of trying to wake her up the paramedics finally showed up. We all stood behind and watched them strap her onto the stretcher and an oxygen mask on her face. Me and Yoongi followed them into the ambulance and headed to the hospital with the boys right behind us.

We all waited in the emergency room area waiting for the doctor who attended Yuna to give us the news. I sat on the chair staring blankly at the wall as no one spoke between the seven of us.

"Min Yuna?" A doctor came out and we all stood before him.

"I need to speak to a family member or her husband in private."

"We're her family doc." Yoongi responded.

"Arraseo. We did some blood work on Ms. Yuna and she seems to have encephalitis. It's an inflammation in the brain which caused her to fall into comatose."

I felt all the air get knocked out inside of me, I sat on the nearest chair as my legs started to lose their feeling. I saw Yoongi hyung lean his head on the wall while Hobi comforted him. Jin and Tae sat on both my sides rubbing my back and reassuring me everything will be fine. Kookie stood in place covering his mouth still in as much shock as all of us.

"Can we see her doctor?" Namjoon asked.

"Of course, the nurses are just putting in some last minute I.Vs on her and they'll call you guys as soon as you can go in."

Yoongi finally lifted his head from the wall and walked next to Namjoon with swelling eyes, "What can we do to wake her up Doctor?"

"Ms.Yuna needs all the support she can get at this time and I guarantee you guys she'll wake up from this deep slumber. I will do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't stay this way"

Namjoon and Yoongi nodded their heads and bowed thanking the doctor as he left.

After a brief moment we all sat again and waited for the nurse to come and get us.

"Min Yuna?" Yoongi got up right away and followed her. I stayed put in my chair while everyone else got up too to see Yuna.

"Jiminah, Aren't you coming?" Jin hyung asked when he noticed I stayed behind.

I continued to stare at the ground, "Why is this happening to me hyung?" He sat back down next to me and also stared blankly at the floor, "Why am I being punished this way? I have a six year old daughter who went missing a few days ago and today I find out that Yuna is sick and in coma now?" I said as I started sobbing.

"Everythings going to be okay.. We're gonna find Mina.. and Yuna.. Yuna is a fighter you know that. She needs you more than anything right now Jimin." He said as he grabbed my shoulder and made me lean into his arms for comfort.

"I can't do this.." I got up and made my way towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" He asked but I didn't answer.

End of Flashback*

I sat here for hours staring blankly into the dark ocean not knowing what to do. Where to start. Who to call. I don't even know how I ended up here. I just let my feet take the lead and here I am. Angry at the world. I took out my phone to see 16 missed calls from Taehyung and Kookie. I looked at the clock that read 11pm and decided to go find the courage to face her.


PLEASE NOTE i have no idea about medical history and comatose and all this shinanagans. TBH i did a little research but still couldnt really understand all the diseases and stuff. I AM MAKING EVERYTHING UP so non of these medical related statements are true.

ALSO, I just want to apologize for the cringy scene.. tbh i dont like the way the doctor tells them Yuna fell into coma BUT LIKE I SAID i have no idea about hospitals and comas and all this medical stuff BUT i do know once you go into coma it can GET REAL SERIOUS.

LOL thank you for understanding and hope my story isnt too bad lol <3

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