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Jimin's POV

I waited in the coffee shop Yoongi told me to meet Yuna at a few blocks away from our dorm. I made sure to come early just like old times whenever I waited for her before we went out and now that I was an idol I didn't want her to think I was a diva showing up late. I wanted to somewhat show her I was the same person from six years ago. I took a sip of my Americano and had a quick flashback to when Yoongi told me Mina was born while I waited for Yuna.

Jimin's Flashback*

I was woken up by a light knock on my door. I turned over and switched my light on to see the clock read 1:30am. I got up to unlock my door and see a half sleeping Yoongi walking into my room passed me. He sat on the bed and I followed. He didn't say anything except show me a picture of a beautiful little chinky baby girl on his phone.

"Her name's Mina."

I looked at him and took the phone from him. I looked at the little newborn on the screen as my heart started to tighten up. "Is this her?" I asked, My voice was shaky as I felt the tears pooling my eyes and my face feeling warm.

Why couldn't I be there to hold her from her first cries? Why couldn't I be there to hold Yuna's hand as she endured such great pains? Why couldn't I be there for my family that I created? I started sobbing as I felt so much pain not being there when my daughter was born.

Yoongi hyung grabbed my shoulder and let me cry into his arms and when I finally calmed down, He spoke, "You're baby girl is beautiful Jimin. I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive Yuna for what she did." He said with a calm voice. I lifted my head and tried to find the courage to look him in the eyes.

"I think I want to be alone for a bit." I said while looking down at the picture of Mina .

"Arasso." He patted my back one last time then walked out leaving his phone with Mina's picture on it with me.

End of flashback*

I thought about how sad I felt that night. I couldn't bring myself to be mad at Yuna at the time, yeah, she left me but I somewhat still felt like it was my fault for not going after them. I pushed the thoughts away and looked at my phone to check the time. Yoongi told me to meet her here at noon and it was almost already half an hour before one.

"Tall iced coffee for Yuna!" I lifted my head up from my phone as I heard the name and stared at the familiar face that belonged to it. I didn't take my eyes off her as she walked to the sugar bar and poured the cream into her coffee. Nothing's changed. She still had her long beautiful black hair that complimented her pale skin. Her soft eyes that always hid behind her cute nerdy glasses. And those full lips she always had in my favorite shade of red. She turned around and finally made eye contact with me. She smiled shyly and I stood up as I saw her walking her way towards me.

"Hi" She said.


"Please sit," She said. "You didn't have to stand up"

We both laughed nervously and sat down.

"So how are you?" I asked while looking at her with her head down.

"I've been good and you?" She finally looked up.

"I could be better." I responded. "When did you guys come back?" I asked right away not wanting to have awkward silence between us.

She looked back down and started playing with her fingers.

"Look, I only agreed to meet up with you because I wanted to personally thank you for paying for Mina's birthday party on Saturday."

I was never the type to get easily annoyed but at this moment my sudden happiness of seeing her finally turned into irritation. I couldn't help it, I think after all these years all that bottled up sadness finally hit its breaking point. After silently leaving me six years ago, she's still trying to play cold with me? What did I ever do to her for her to be putting up this act.

"Yuna, Look at me." I said sternly as I put my hand on top of her fidgeting fingers to stop. The Yuna I knew always played with her fingers when she was nervous but I didn't care anymore, "You've ignored me for six years and after all this time you wanted to see me to just thank me personally?" She took her hands out of mine and held her nose high and nodded. "If that was the case why didn't you just tell Yoongi to tell me instead of wasting my time?" I said coldly. 

She lifted her eyebrows in shock. I didn't care how angry I sounded she didn't deserve my sympathy anymore. I looked at her waiting for her response but she stayed silent. I stood up in hopes that she'll finally say something but she didn't. "You know what I should've known better than this. I really don't know what stupid game you're playing with me but I'm tired of blaming myself for being the bad guy." I said calmly. She opened her mouth to say something but I continued and ignored the faces that we're starting to stare in the coffee shop. "I hope everything you decided was what you've always wanted." I took in a deep breath, and continued, "you're welcome by the way, it was good seeing you." I hissed and shook my head then walked out of the coffee shop.

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