Thirty Three

28 3 0

Yuna's POV*

He stayed quiet and turned his cheek away from my hand.

"I just need time to think." He said.

I nodded, "Yeah, of Course. I'll give you your space. You can have the bed." I paused, "I'll sleep on the couch tonight. Just let me know if you need anything." I stared at him for a few seconds more before I got up and walked outside.

I didn't realize the house was beside a beach so I made my way down to the shore and sat on the cool sand with the setting sun right in front of me. The scene seemed all too familiar. As I laid my head in between my knees, something shiny caught my eye. I brushed the sand to get a good look at the shell and picked it up. It was similar to the one I had seen once in a dream.

I thought to myself, that dream was a reminder to tell me what I had and what I could've lost if I never told the truth about my health. I finally have my daughter safe and my health being exposed but the one thing that will complete me wants nothing to do with me.

A week had passed and still no progress between us. The only times we would talk was when I asked if he was hungry or when I'd catch him in the bathroom struggling to take his brace off.  Oppa texts me here and there for any updates. I tried convincing him we were fine to end both my and Jimins misery but he knew me to well and they refused to send us a driver to take us back home.

I spent my days on the couch reading or sitting by the ocean while Jimin stayed in bed on his phone. I always stole glances of him and not once did I ever catch him looking at me. Although I was determined to annoy him so he could talk to me again, I couldn't find it in my heart to say a word to him because I was embarrassed.

 A few days later I started feeling fatigue and stayed in bed almost all day while I had a hard time breathing. I tried to ignore it knowing these were normal symptoms to my condition until one night I got a fever.

Jimin finally noticed I kept tossing and turning in bed because of how cold I was.

"Yuna," He said quietly, "You okay?"

"N..N.." I said through chattering teeth. I heard him get up from his bed making his way towards me and placed his hand on my forehead.

"Yuna, You're burning up. We have to take you to the doctors."

"Ani! I.. I'm fine. Will you please just get me more blankets."

"Aish don't be stubborn Yuna. What if this is serious?" He said angrily.

I looked him in the eyes pleading, "Jimin, please.. I.. I don't want to see a doctor.. I'm t..t..tired of it. I hate hearing them tell me what's wrong with me." I said almost crying.

"I can't take care of you Yuna. I can't even take care of me." He said gesturing to his brace.

" don't have to. It's probably j..just a cold. It'll go away."

He sighed heavily in frustration but thankfully he gave in, "Fine. Will you at least move to the bed?"

I shook my head, "You can't sleep on the couch it'll be bad for your back."

He rolled his eyes and squatted next to me, "What are you doing?" He didn't say a word and picked me up, "Jimin! You're back!"

"This is what you get for being stubborn. So if I get more hurt, it'll be your fault" He said making his way to the bed with me in his arms. I couldn't tell if he was serious or joking because he didn't even look at me. I felt my face turn warm that gave me goosebumps from my cold body. He sat me down and walked to the bathroom with a sweater in his hand. He sat beside me and placed the sweater over my head and left the hood on.

"Lay down." He said while I obeyed. He pulled the blanket over me and got back up.

"Wha.. what are you dd.. doing now?" He caught me by surprise by taking off his top and unstrapping his brace, "Jimin?" I was getting confused. He put his shirt back on and climbed into bed with me.

"Come here." He said and I stayed still for a moment so he came in closer instead. He slid his arm under my neck and his other on my waist while placing his leg over mine, "We don't have any other blankets," he whispered. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head. Although I was caught by surprise I took the chance and snuggled onto his neck. He didn't refuse or move a muscle so I took a deep breath of his presence and started crying quietly to myself. I missed him so much. It hit me like a ton of bricks and suddenly I didn't feel cold even though my body was still shivering. Even for that moment knowing he was only making me warm, I wouldn't mind being sick everyday if it meant staying in his arms like this. I don't know if he sensed me crying but his thumb on my waist started to slowly caress me making me feel home and after a few minutes I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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