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Jimin's POV*

"Mina", I said quietly as I pulled the hair away from her peaceful sleeping face. She slowly opened her eyes and stretched before she looked at me.

"Morning Princess," I planted a soft kiss on her forehead and I was given a smile in return, "You have to get up now."

"Why?" She asked while cuddling her teddy bear.

"You're going to come with us to work today." I felt so bad because it was 5 in the morning and we had no choice but to take her with us because no one else could watch her for the day, "Don't you want to come with us?" I asked playfully and then she nodded. "Gaja! we have a long way to go." She just smiled and looked at me behind her teddy bear without moving.

"Do I have to tickle you out of bed? Uncle Yoongi said you like being tickled" I laughed and she hid under her blanket. I knew it was time to finally play with her so I started to tickle her foot and I was responded with giggles. I turned around to see Jin hyung open the door.

"You two let's go, I made breakfast so we can eat before we leave." He said and Mina finally took off her blanket then jumped on my back and pretended to tickle my armpits.

"Ya! you're cheating!" I joked and we both laughed while tickling each other, "Okay Okay You win, Go get ready now I'll wait for you outside."

"Ne!" She said and ran to the bathroom. I finally made my way out the room with a big smile on my face knowing I just  had a normal father daughter moment with Mina.


We were all sitting in the table except for Yoongi and Namjoon hyung because they stayed up late last night in the studio so we'd pick them up on the way.

"Where's Uncle Yoongi?" We all turned around to see Mina standing at the end of the kitchen.

"We're going to pick him up after this, Why?"

"Oh, He's the only one who fixes my hair."

I turned around to my members and we all just stared at each other.

Hobi Hyung laughed and started to eat his cereal again, "You have a daughter Jiminah you should really learn how to do hair."

I looked at all of them, "Psh, I'm sure it's not that hard." They all laughed so I got up and made my way to Mina, "Gaja, I'll fix it"

I grabbed a comb on my top drawer and sat on the edge of my bed with Mina holding a mirror for me. I started to comb her hair and right off the back she flinched from the tangle I just ran through. "Ay, Mianhe" She took both her hands and covered her mouth so she wouldn't show that she was giggling. I couldn't help but smile too, "Do you have the string?" She nodded and handed me the hair tie. I grabbed all her hair and tried to put it through the tie but it was harder than I thought. I turned her around to face me but instead of her hair being fixed it turned out to look like someone just finished pulling her hair.

I pursed my lips, "Wait here, Araso?" She nodded and I got up again to walk back to the kitchen. "Uhh. That was harder than I thought." They all looked at me and laughed.

"Did you fix it though?" Taehyung asked.

"Not quite..."

"Pay up boys," Jin Hyung said and they all whined

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"Pay up boys," Jin Hyung said and they all whined.

"You guys betted on me??"

"Ya, We had five bucks on you but I guess we forgot you had no jams." Kookie laughed.

Jin got up and patted my shoulder, "It's not that I doubted you or anything. I was just using common sense but I'll take care of it." He said then winked.

I let out a deep breath and sat with the maknaes and Hobi hyung again while we waited for them to finish.


After Picking up Yoongi and Namjoon, It took us about an hour and a half to reach the location but we finally made it. I was glad it was a small fan meet with a small location because I didn't want Mina to feel overwhelmed although she was gonna be backstage with our noona the whole time. I was getting my hair fixed while the guys played with Mina, and I watched through the mirror to see what a happy little kid she was. She's still a baby to me but I wonder what's going on through her head. Does she know anything about me and Yuna's past or our current situation? What is Yuna telling her that I don't know?

Lia, My noona hair stylist stopped which pulled me away from my thoughts and I looked at her.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Aniyo, Just thinking."


 "No offense but it's personal." We both looked at Mina through the mirror then at each other again. "Just watch Mina for us please Noona ."

"Crazy kid of course I will." We both laughed and Manager Hyung shouted from behind and told us it was time for our stages.

I made my way to Mina and kneeled down to meet her at eye level, "We won't take too long okay? If you need anything just tell Auntie Lia okay or anyone in here." She nodded her head and I planted another soft kiss on her forehead.

"Fighting!" She said.

"Kyeopta" And we all made our way out.


After performing for almost an hour and talking with fans, I was finally drained. We all made our way backstage to relax and freshen up so we could go home. I took the first empty chair I saw and laid my head back to catch my breath. I suddenly heard a ringing sound from the silence in the room and looked up to see Yoongi and Namjoon with our manager, Lia and two of our other make up artist and noticed Mina wasn't anywhere around them. Right at that instant I felt my heart palpitating and all the heat from my body suddenly disappearing as the worst thought in my head came to mind. I slowly made my way to them without any of them noticing me.

"Where's Mina?" I asked as calmly as I could although you could hear my voice shaking. Lia jumped and everyone else turned to me with looks of concern on their faces but stayed quiet,"Where.. Is Mina?"

Lia started to cry, "Why is she crying? And why isn't anyone answering me?" I suddenly felt the air thinning out and couldn't catch my breath.. "Hyung!" I managed to yell out and felt Taehyung rush to my side, "Where is Mina?!"

His eyes started to turn red from the tears forming, "I.. I don't know."


Was that transition too sudden and too fast??? LOL Please like and leave feedback:*

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