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Jimin's POV*

I laid on my bed staring blankly at the ceiling. There was a light knock on my door but I didn't move or say anything as my body felt numb.

"Hey.." Yoongi said making his way towards me, "Yuna's on her way she should be here by tonight." I heard him but just really wanted to be alone so I stayed quiet. He sat on the floor beside my bed and I can tell he feels like Mina missing was his fault too. "You know, I hope you know that non of this is your fault.. or anyone's fault. We were at the wrong place with the wrong time and it could've happened to anyone." I continued to stare at the wall so he finally got up and left the room.


"What do you mean you don't know?!" I yelled back at Yoongi hyung.

"Calm down Jimin" Namjoon said but Yoongi stopped him.

"It's okay, He has all the right to be pissed."

Lia, the person I asked to watch Mina finally spoke up, "Jiminah, It was an accident-"

"Accident?! How is losing a little girl an accident?",She started crying again but I didn't care that she was my noona and if I was being disrespectful. "I asked you to look after her and you promised me you would. I mean there's no where else to go but this room!"

"This place isn't even that big did you guys even try looking?" Kookie said to the staff.

"She told me she was getting bored so I took her out to the back of the venue so we could watch you guys perform."

Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose and finally started acting like he cared, "How do you lose her like that Noona? Wasn't she beside you the whole time?"

She pursed her lips and bowed her head, "I had seen an old friend of mine and caught a conversation with her.. I told Mina to stay where she was but when I turned back she wasn't in her seat..."

I felt my knees weaken and I bit the inside of my cheek. Everything around me started to spin and I felt so much anger. I yelled and hit the nearest wall that cause my knuckles to bleed.

"Jimin!" Taehyung rushed to my side, "Hurting yourself won't be any help. We have to find her now."

End of Flashback*

As my flashback of last nights events started to fade I was starting to feel frustrated inside this room. We already went to the police but they said the person has to be missing for twenty four hours in order for them to take any action. Our managers told us to stay put in the dorm and they would do everything in their power to find Mina, which made me even more upset because why the fuck would I stay put when my daughter is missing? Yoongi told me to just listen to them and wait till Yuna gets back to see the possibilities of where she could be.

I finally get my daughter and this happens. What if Yuna takes her away from me again? I can't let that happen. I have to keep both of them now. I have to be strong and finally play the role I've been missing for six years. I let my mind wander and closed my eyes to let the day pass. I felt my lids get heavier and heavier until I drifted off into a deep slumber.


"Appa!" I looked around for her voice in the crowd of Armys yelling at my face with light sticks waving everywhere. "Appa!"


"Appa help me!" She cried out.

"Where are you?! Mina! Tell me where you are!"

"Eomma," She screamed, "Help me! I want to get out of here!"

I pushed through the crowd trying to find the source of her voice but every time I got closer her voice would come from a different direction, I span in circles and started seeing everything turn upside down and when every thing stopped I ended up on an empty stage. There was a spotlight that was blinding my vision but once I took a glimpse of my surroundings I saw Mina standing at the end waving at me with a smile on her face.

"Mina!" I called out with joy but then she was suddenly taken my someone from the shadows. I tried to run after her but my feet were glued to the stage and I couldn't move. The speakers suddenly came on and it was Yuna's voice.

"How could you do this Jimin? This is why I kept her away from you, You don't know how to be a father!" She yelled but then I woke up and sat straight up in my dark room with sweat dripping from my forehead. It was already night time and my room was already dark from the gloomy night sky outside my window. I buried my face in my hands and just sat there.

I was interrupted by another knock on the door, "Jiminah"


Yoongi poked his head through the door and saw that my room was pitch black so he switched my light on, "Ugm.." He hesitated, "Yuna's here."

I ran my hands through my hair and nodded. He gave me a small grin and closed my door again. I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst.

I walked outside the living room to see Yoongi and Yuna sitting on the couch. The other members were no where to be found but I didn't think that mattered at the moment. Before I could say anything Yuna got up and made her way towards me and my heart started to pound. "Yu-" I was cut off by clear slap to the face.

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