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Yuna's POV

I placed the picture that I had framed of Jimin from our one year anniversary date on the side table of my bed as the finishing touch to my new room here in Daegu. My parents helped me decide to move here with my aunt Jisoo to finish my senior year when I told them that I didn't want Jimin to be a part of my life anymore. They were a bit confused as to why I made that decision especially when they knew I loved him so much from the last time they saw me. I told them to just respect it and they did as they figured they were never really there for me anyways. So they gave me an option of moving here since they knew Yoongi was now going to be very busy and didn't want me to be alone most of the time when they were gone. I agreed to it knowing Jimin wouldn't be able to look for me here.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts as my aunt walked into my room and comfortably sat on my bed. "Are you finally all settled in?" She asked while looking around the room I had tried to make my own for the past few weeks.

I nodded and sat next to her while appreciating my hard work of making the room mine.

She turned to me and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Scared." I looked down and laid a hand on my stomach suddenly feeling really nervous.

"I don't blame you. It was honestly a really big decision to have this baby on your own." She placed her arm around me and continued, "But I don't want you to worry because I will be here with you throughout this whole process." She paused for a second while I gave her s light smile. "You know, I promised your mom to take very good care of you and her grandchild on the way. I know you may feel like we don't talk to each other much but your mom is not only my sister but my best friend and I know you know she's the only family I have so I will treat you as my own. And I just want you to know you can come to me for anything."

It was nice to have that reassurance from my aunt as I felt really lonely when I first arrived. "Kamsahamnida Imo." I gave her a hug back. She stood up and kissed my forehead and walked out of my room. I took a deep sigh and started thinking about all the things that could possibly go wrong. What if I have a miscarriage? or What if I'm not going to know how to stop my baby from crying? or what if I'm not going to simply know how to raise him or her or take care of it?

I closed my eyes and tried to push the thoughts away. Then I remembered I haven't spoken to my bestfriends in almost two weeks so I decided to video chat them to ease my anxiety.

"Yuna!" They both yelled into the screen when they answered.

"We miss you so much!" Soomi continued.

"Aish, It's only been a few days."

"More like a few weeks." Ari paused, "So how's everything going over there?"

I tried to hide the fact that I was a bit sad and feeling a bit lonely but this was my choice so I faked a smile. "Good actually! I went to the new school that I'm going to attend and got my classes. The principle told me I could start next week. The people here are nice but I just want to focus on me and my baby on the way."

They both smiled and tried catching me up with what was going on back there. While they were talking my smile started to fade as I thought about Jimin and wondered what he was doing at the moment. Was he mad at me? Did he miss me as much as I missed him? Was he eating well and getting enough sleep? I tried to shake the thoughts away as I recall me leaving him in such short notice and no heads up. I stared blankly at the screen as I remember writing that stupid letter.

"Earth to Yuna." Soomi waved at the screen.

"What? Sorry. What were you saying?" I asked trying to look innocent.

"What's going on?"

"Oh nothing. Just staring off into space." I laughed nervously

"You know Yuna, He seems fine" Ari said as if reading my mind.

I tried to play dumb, "huh?"

"What do you mean 'huh?' I know You're thinking about him. Don't deny it." She continued. I looked away from the screen guilty and started playing with my fingers. "He's fine Yuna. I mean, yeah, he was looking for you and seemed really worried but lately he seems like nothing happened and as if you never left every time we see him."

Soomi nodded in agreement. "Really?" I asked and they both just smiled at me while I continued, "Well, that's good, I'm sure he'll get over this and will eventually forget about me." I lied with a smile as I tried hiding the sadness I felt in that moment.

"True, but think about how he'll always be with Yoongi I mean he's your brother. I wonder if he sees you in him." Soomi questioned.

"Shut up Soomi" Ari scolded.

"Just saying."

"I've had a long day you guys, talk to you tomorrow?" I asked as I started feeling homesick just talking to my bestfriends. They both agreed and left the video chat.

I laid back on my bed and thought about what Ari said about him being fine. Maybe it didn't bother him as much a I thought it would.


Three months had passed and I finally got used to my daily routine here in Daegu. My aunt Jisoo helped me find a job at the neighborhoods library just so I can earn a little extra cash as I felt like a burden to her for living there for free. She wanted me to not overwork myself as I already get stressed enough from school so she told me about it and how It doesn't require a lot of physical work. I still talk to Soomi and Ari every other day and they try to catch me up on what they've been up to and how all our senior year is going. My parents check up on me almost everyday because they're excited for their grandchild who's due in a few more months. As for Yoongi, He practically raised me ever since our parents became really busy business people so it was only right for him to know everything that was going on in my life while we were away from each other, that was the kind of relationship I had with my brother. We texted each other everyday also as his schedule became very hectic ever since he debut last month but he calls me every time he gets the chance.

"Suga? That's the stage name they gave you?" I laughed as Yoongi caught me up with his busy career.

"Aigo there's so much swag in it you don't even understand."

"Arrasso, if you say so. What's your guys group name anyways?"

"BTS." As he continued to talk about everything he's been doing and how many people he's met I tried my best to not think about how tired they must be, especially Jimin. I try not to ask my big brother too many questions about his career because I know everything he does, I'm sure Jimin does too and the less I know the less I hurt.

"So enough about me. Aunt Jisoo told me you guys went to see the doctor the other day. How'd that go?" He asked after explaining to me what BTS stood for.

"Good, I'm going back today to find out the sex of the baby." I smiled and looked at my now growing baby bump.

"Sounds awesome. Are you hoping for a boy or girl?"

"I'll be happy with whatever I made in this oven." I said while laughing.

"Aigo, you're so lame. You're starting to sound like Jimin." My smile slowly faded at the the thought of how great it would be if he was here with me to find out if our baby is going to be a girl or a boy. I still question myself everyday wondering if this was the right choice I made.

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