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Jimin's POV

I finished laying out the pillows in the guest bedroom in the dorm that was now going to be Mina's room. I know she'll only be here for a couple of weeks but I had hoped Yuna would let me see her often for this room to actually be hers.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, "Come in," I said.

"Hey," Namjoon said while opening the door and leaning on it. "This looks great." We both looked around at the small room that provided a small bed in the corner and a desk right next to it.

"Yeah, I was hoping Yuna would bring some of her stuff here to make Mina feel more comfortable."

"I'm sure she will." He smiled then looked at his phone,"Hyung said they're on their way." I started feeling nervous and I think he sensed it.

"We're all here for you Jimin. You and Yoongi are like our brothers we'll make sure to take good care of Mina."

"I know that," I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed, "But I just don't want you guys to feel like she's your guys responsibility when she's here."

"Ay Jimin. Your responsibility is our responsibility. Your tears are our tears. Your happiness is our happiness and your daughter is our daughter." We both looked at each other and laughed. "Okay, maybe not the last part but you know what I mean. That's your daughter and we're gonna treat her as our own."

"Thanks Hyung," I said.

"Don't even worry about it. Just focus on Mina right now. Make up for the lost time you didn't have with her, Okay?"

"Arasso," I smiled and then he walked out leaving me alone in Mina's new room.


I sat anxiously in the living room waiting for my daughter to arrive with Yuna and Yoongi. Jin hyung and Jungkook were in the kitchen preparing lunch for us for when they come. Taehyung and Hobi were in the living room with me watching t.v. and Namjoon stayed in his room probably writing down some music.

I was thankful for all of them for taking some time out of their busy schedule to be here with me today to finally meet Mina after six years. Aside from Me and Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung were the only one's who knew about Mina. After awhile Namjoon and Yoongi decided to tell the rest of the group why I was always so distant. Instead of them being upset with me they all helped me move on in their own way. Hobi hyung stayed up late with me sometimes to dance off some bad energy. Taehyung and Kookie always asked me to go out to have fun. Jin hyung simply listened to me whenever I needed to let out all my emotions. And Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung taught me how to write my feelings as lyrics and even made some songs out of them.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the bell to the front door ring.

"They're here!" Taehyung jumped in excitement as he ran to the door to meet them. I stood up but stayed glued to my spot.

"Ya! you okay?" Hobi asked while waving his hand in front of my face.

I started getting really nervous but I managed to look at my hyung, "What if she doesn't like me?"

He looked at me and just shrugged his shoulders, "You're thinking too much"

And before I could respond to him, there she was in Taehyung's arm walking their way into the living room.

"Uncle Namjoon!" She said as Tae let her down and she ran towards Namjoon to hug him. Did I miss something here? Did these two get to meet her before I did?

"Mina get over here." Yoongi said as she let go of Namjoon and walked back to him. Yoongi turned her around facing us with his hands on her shoulder. And on cue Kookie came out of the kitchen to see what the fuss was about and Jin following with some soup to put out on the table.

"Wow, Is this the beautiful princess we've all been waiting for?" Jin asked while untying his apron.

"Annyeonghaseyo" She said and bowed.

"Wow kyeopta" Jungkook laughed.

"Mina you already know Uncle Namjoon and Uncle Tae." She nodded and looked up at Yoongi. "These are your other uncles. Uncle Jin, Uncle Kookie and Uncle Hobi."

"Wow I have a lot of uncles," She said cheerfully. "And what about him," She asked while looking at me. I looked at Yuna then at Yoongi waiting for them to say something.

"Hmm. Do you guys mind if we can have a minute with Mina?" Yuna finally spoke.

"Of course, Of course." Jin said as he pushed all the boys to his room. "Take all the time you guys need we'll just be in here" And once they were all gone I looked at Yuna and a smiling Mina.

"Here, You guys can sit," I said as I fixed the pillows for them to sit down.

"Kamsahamnida," Mina said as she jumped on the couch next to me. I couldn't help but smile at how cute and polite she was. Yuna sat down across from us and started.

"Mina, Remember when you asked me where your appa was on your birthday?" She nodded her head innocently. "And your uncle Yoongi said he was busy?" She nodded again. Yuna looked at me nervously as if she didn't know how to say it to her. I looked down at my hands because I was getting just as nervous as she was.

"Well," She said slowly, "This is Jimin, He's your dad Mina." I lifted my head back up to see Yuna looking at our daughter. I turned to face Mina and saw her smile disappear.

"Jinja?" She asked and looked at me. I smiled slowly at her but she didn't show any kind of expression which made me even more nervous.

"Ne, and You're going to stay here with him for a little bit while I see your grandma and grandpa in Hong Kong."

"Wae?" She asked.

"Because he's not busy anymore and I have to take care of some things over there while you stay here."

"Eomma, can't you take me with you?" Mina asked while she got up and sat on her mom's lap.

"Aniyo, I can't take you there. There's no kids allowed." Yuna said as she cradled her in her arms. "Don't worry I'll be back before your school starts."

Mina nodded her head on her mom's chest and looked at me. I felt my heart tighten up as I was a complete stranger to her but I hope the time we get to have together changes all that.

"Be a good girl and promise to always listen to them" Mina stayed quiet and just kept nodding her head. "Your dad is a really nice guy so don't give him any headaches, arasso? "

"Ne eomma."

Yuna took Mina off her lap and looked at me and started getting up, "I have to go now I might miss my flight, Yoongi has all her stuff in his car, So you won't really need to get her anything else."

"You don't want to eat before you go?" I asked.

She shook her head no and crouched down to Mina's level. "If you want to call me just ask your uncle Yoongi okay? He has my number." She nodded and gave her mom a hug, "I love you" Yuna Continued. She got up to face me and I walked her out. "Please take care of her Jimin."

I nodded my head and reassured her, "I will, And you take care of yourself also."

She smiled nervously and went on her way.

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