Twenty One

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Yuna's POV (in a dream)

I stare at the setting sun in front of me laying on the ocean as the shore's water touches my feet. I close my eyes and breathed in the breeze that brushed against my cheek.

"Eomma!" Mina calls. I turn around and open my arms to catch her.

"How's my little princess?" I asked as I showered her in my kisses and carried her.

She giggled and hugged me back, "Eomma! Me and Appa have been looking for you." She said as she faced me. She turns her head and I follow her gaze to see Jimin coming our way. He stops and he puts me and Mina in his arms and kisses my forehead.

"What are you doing here alone love?"

I pursed my lips and shrugged my shoulders. Jimin then grabbed Mina and placed her on his shoulders while he took my hand and we walked along the shoreline. As we walked hand in hand I came across a shiny shell on the sand and stopped to pick it up.

"Mina look," I said as I was about to hand her the beautiful shell but then they were both gone

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"Mina look," I said as I was about to hand her the beautiful shell but then they were both gone. I turned the other way to see the two of them playing a little halfway into the water. I stared as they both laughed joyfully and I felt my heart race at the beautiful sight of the two most important people in my life right in front of me together. This is all I ever wanted and now I have it.

"You should really tell them.." I heard a voice from behind me say. I turned around to see no one there, "You're never fair to Jimin," I turned to my left to follow the voice and yet again no one was there, "Now you're being unfair to Mina." I turned and turned to find the source of the voice when I realized I was alone again. Mina and Jimin both gone from my sight. I faced the sun and suddenly it started to turn to a glowing white color and the waves on the shore stopped and the water became still.

"Yuna, Why didn't you tell me?" Jimin said from behind me and I turned around to face him.

"Tell you what?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were hurting.."

"Hurting? But I'm fine Jimin, Look at me."

And before he answered Mina called, "Eomma.." I turned around again to see Mina walking towards the bright light. "Eomma come find me." Her voice started to echo as her shadow dispersed into the bright light and I followed.


Short chappie but it's more of a bonus for the upcoming chapters? and note this is a dream that Yuna's having after she lost consciousness in the previous chapter... SOOO lets just say she has no idea what's going on in real life if that makes sense hehe..

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