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Present Day*

Yuna's POV

I walked back to my room and laid on my bed as I thought about what Yoongi had said. Maybe it is the right time to finally introduce Jimin to Mina. How do I even introduce him to her? Where do I even begin? It's been 6 years since I last saw him. The only times I've seen him was on tv when my brother told me they were having comebacks and told me to anticipate their stages. I stared at the darkness inside my room as I tried to remember why I left Jimin in the first place but too many thoughts clouded my mind. All I could think about was why I actually brought Mina here and how much I wished for her to have the perfect life and the perfect family.

Yuna's Flashback*

"Hello?" Yoongi answered after the third ring when I called him.


"Ye? Is everything ok?"

"Yes." I paused before I spoke again, "I was just thinking.. Do you think I can come back there? with Mina?"

It was quiet for moment as if he was thinking about it, "Don't get me wrong Yuna, I'd love for you to come back but why? Why out of the blue again?"

"I just.. I feel lonely out here. After Mina's first birthday I realized the only family she has out here is Me and Aunt Jisoo. I mean there's mom and dad that visit once in awhile but still you know how I feel about them not really being here. Plus at least there she'll have me and you and her aunt Ari and Soomi."

He hesitated a bit, "And what about Jimin?" I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. I knew he'd ask about him but I wasn't ready to answer the question. I mean I wasn't planning to keep Mina from Jimin forever but I just needed time to think and definitely time to explain things to him.   

"You know Yuna he still asks about you. I know you think he's doing fine and all but he's had his own struggles too when you left him out of no where. You can't hide from him once you come back here."

"I know but that's why your not telling him I'm coming back. "

"Yuna, We have mutual friends and live in the same house how is he not going to know you came back?" He started to sound annoyed.

"Yoongi if you don't want me to come back just tell me. Aunt Jisoo has been nothing but loving to us. I don't think she would mind if we lived here forever."

"Aigo, you are so sensitive. I'm just saying."

"I already talked to mom and dad about it anyways. They said since you live in a dorm and hardly ever come home they'll just rent out the house to someone and find me an apartment for Mina and I  with an extra room for you for when you visit. And it won't be in Seoul so I doubt we'll run into Jimin plus, I hardly go out nowadays because I'm a mom now remember?"

"Aish! You couldn't just have said that?" We both laughed when I realized I forgot to inform him. "So, When are you moving?"

"As soon as mom and dad find me an apartment but I don't think it'll take too long so hopefully by next month."

"And Aunt Jisoo?" he asked.

"She's staying here in Daegu. I asked her if she wanted to come but she said her home is here and she will most likely visit us because she'll miss Mina too much. She practically raised Mina while I finished up high school and I can't thank her enough so it's only right if we come and visit her too."

"That's good. Well now I'm excited to finally meet my niece! I can't believe you let a year pass before introducing me to her."

"Sorry Mr. Idol but I do recall Imo calling you and telling you I was in labor and yet you didn't even bother to come visit us. So you let that year pass by."

End of flashback*

I sighed deeply as I remember another rushed decision I made a few years ago when moving back near Seoul. I managed to hide Mina from Jimin all this time. But now that my daughter is starting to ask about her not having a dad, I don't know how much longer I can keep them away from each other. I can't help but be bothered by it because I knew this day would come, I just never prepared for it. I closed my eyes in hopes of finding an answer when I open them.

I wake up to the sound of a knock on my door.


I cuddle into my blanket not wanting to be bothered as I stayed up late in my thoughts.

"Yuna.." I felt the end of my bed dip as Yoongi sat on it and patted my foot a little to wake me up.

"Hmmm?" I mumbled.

"Jimin is on his way here to meet Mina"

I opened my eyes wide and sat straight up causing my head to spin a little, "What ?!"

"Well that woke you up" Yoongi smiled his gummy smile and laughed silently. I punched him in the arm and started cursing at him.

"You're not funny.. Plus, Why would he come here out of all places?"

"Well, I'm sure you know that he knows you've been back right? I mean Mina's birthday was all from him." He said casually.

I dropped my mouth open and stared at him in shock, "Wait, What do you mean he knows?!" I yelled.

"Yuna, chill you might wake Mina up."

"Answer me!" I stood up from the bed in frustration.

"I thought I told you the party was from Jimin?"

"Oppa! You told me it was from you and the boys and by boys I thought you meant just Tae and Namjoon" I asked while I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I thought you said they were good at keeping secrets? Did Tae tell him?" I started to calm down as I remember Tae and Soomi being twins and having the same exact personality. Knowing Soomi she's not one to keep her mouth shut.

"They didn't say anything Yuna. You don't know what Jimin's been through and as his friend I think he deserved to know that the daughter he's been dying to see for six years is near by ."

I looked at him in defeat knowing he was right but still didn't want to give in, "But I'm your sister" I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath. I tried to pull myself together and not get mad at him because I don't blame him for what he did. If he was my friend, I'd do the same. "So all this time he knew Mina was here? I mean when did he find out we came back?"

"Well, Actually I just told him you guys were coming to visit for Mina's birthday. So he insisted on giving his daughter his first birthday gift to her." I sat back down on my bed next to him as I started to think about what I should do next. "Look Yuna, Just go talk to Jimin before he meets Mina. He deserves that much."



Soooo I know I skipped a whole lot and jumped so many years later but I hope it will all fall into place when they do meet hehe

And to make things clear Yuna did have Mina 6 years ago but moved back after a year so Mina was already 1. Also Namjoon and Tae were the only ones who knew because their the brothers of Yuna's best friends.

I don't know how I feel about Jimin finding out they're back but when I was writing my notes I couldn't remember my original plot but oh well this is what came out haha

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