Thirty One

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Yuna's POV*

I sat on the swing for a couple of more minutes after Yoongi oppa left me. I was trying to think of ways to have Jimin forgive me and ways to show him how thankful I am of him. Non of my ideas compared to all the things that he's done for me and Mina. I guess I just have to suck it up and hope all I can give is enough.

I ran my way to the dorm as soon as the rain started to pour down on me. As soon as I got into the warm living room, my wound on my cheek started to burn so I went to the bathroom to attend to it.

"Hey." Jimin startled me as he made his way into the bathroom and grabbed the cotton ball that I was using to wipe the blood on my cheek. I just gave him a  small smile and let him finish up cleaning my cut.

I hesitated trying to speak and I think he noticed because instead he spoke before I could, "I'm sorry," He said continuing to stitch up my wound, "It was an accident. You know I wouldn't ever push you like that."

I just stayed quiet because I knew he didn't do it on purpose. He started to unwrap the small bandage that would go on top of my wound and I don't know what I was thinking but I looked down and asked anyways, "Do you hate me?"

His face stayed the same giving me no sign, "Why do you say that?" I shrugged my shoulders and he slowly placed the bandage on top of my stitch, "I don't hate you." We both stared at each other which felt like forever. I finally saw the Jimin I once knew. The one who wasn't so cold for the past few days. It made my heart race and my cheeks turn warm. His thumb ran under my cut then down my neck to pull me closer to his face. He hesitated a bit but slowly placed his lips on mine. I was caught by surprise but he was actually kissing me, like he still loved me. Before I can place my hands on his waist he pulled back and looked at me like he just committed a crime. He turned his back on me but I caught his arm before he could walk away.

"What was that?" I said a little louder than I expected.

"Could you keep your voice down?"

At that point I didn't care if I was going to wake the others because even If I deserved this, He wasn't being fair. "What's your problem? I know you're upset with me but it doesn't give you the right to play with my feelings like that."

"Your feelings? What about mine Yuna? I've been dreading these six years with feelings I couldn't even understand. I cried every day wondering where you were. You played me this whole time and made me look stupid in front of my brothers." That's when I guess we were too loud because everyone came out of their room, "You can't tell me that I have no right to play with your feelings. Out of all people you should know better."

"That's why I'm here! Why don't you see that I'm trying to make it up to you. Trying to take care of you to thank you-"

"You're welcome but I don't need you here." He turned his back to me and once again my emotions took over and I started to sob.

"Jimin! Come back here." Namjoon said sternly, "I want you out of here." I looked up at him in shock and Jimin was just as surprised.

"Me? Hyung. Why me? I live here. She's the one-"

"You both live here but you guys are acting like kids! You're making everyone feel awkward. So I want you" He looked at Jimin then to me, "and you. OUT."

"Namjoonah. Where are they gonna stay?" Jin asked.

"I'll find them a place. But you guys can't stay here until you fix your problems."

You can tell everyones mouth was wide open in shock trying to process what Namjoon just said.

"He's right. It doesn't matter if you guys end up together or not but for the sake of Mina you guys should at least fix what's going on between you two so the little girl won't have to question why you guys don't talk." Yoongi finished.


After everyone cooled down I started to pack my clothes and a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in"

"Do you need help?" Namjoon asked while walking into the room. I smiled a small smile and shook my head, "I hope you don't hate me for doing this to you."

I laughed lightly, "Of course not. Why would I? You're like my older brother and just like Ari I know you wouldn't put me in harms way. Plus it's just Jimin. The worst thing that can happen between us two is awkward silence"

He laughed, "Speaking of Ari. Have you talked to her? or Soomi?"

"Aniyo. They're busy with school and work." I continued to pack my clothes and Namjoon stood there anxiously. "Is there something wrong?"

He shook his head, "I just hope you guys patch things up that's all."

I gave him a reassuring smile, "Me too. I just want him to forgive me. No matter what happens."


OMG FINALLY SOME YUNA AND JIMIN ALONE TIME... lol do you think theyll end up together?  stay friends? or end up hating each other??? leave some thoughts and comments AND PLEASE DONT FORGET TO VOTE <3

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