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Jimin's POV*

Two weeks passed and I was glad to see Mina feeling more comfortable around the dorm. It was all happening so fast but it seemed like she already knew who to run to whenever she needed something. Mina always looked for Jin hyung whenever she wanted to eat, Looked for Hobi hyung when she got bored and wanted to dance, Which I was a bit jealous of because dancing was one of my passions but I would tag along with the two when I could. Her playmates in the house was of course Kookie and Taehyungie who actually always asked her to play but what six year old would deny that offer? I was glad Namjoon hyung read to her whenever he got the chance and it was interesting to see her into the stuff he told her rather than finding it boring. And the only times I've seen her talk to her uncle Yoongi was when she wanted to talk to her mom which was funny because you can tell they were family. Although my time with her was still being divided among the six other guys in the house, I was glad I wasn't being completely ignored. She made it a secret habit of sleeping in my bed before I did which was so cute but instead of moving her, I would just let her be and slept on the floor.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt someone hugging my arm. I slowly looked down to see what was tugging at me and I noticed Mina leaning her cheek on my arm. I slowly pulled my arm out of her embrace and picked her up to move her back to the bed. I gave her forehead a quick peck and made my way quietly to the kitchen. It was Friday so I knew Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung would be gone and Hobi would probably spend some time at the studio. I'd be stuck with the maknaes for the day. I thought maybe I'll make breakfast for the two and Mina.

"Appa?" I jumped and turned around thinking she was still asleep. She rubbed her eyes groggily and yawned again, "What are you doing?"

"I'm just making pancakes. Do you like pancakes?"

"I love pancakes!" Her eyes shot open, "Can I help please?"

I laughed at how quickly she woke up after I said that, "Ne" I picked her up and sat her on the counter and handed her a bowl of strawberries.

"Strawberries!" She clapped her hands together and grabbed the bowl on her lap.

"You like strawberries?"

She nodded joyfully, "Eomma makes me pancakes with strawberries and then puts chocolate sauce on top. It's so good "

Jimin's Flashback*

I grabbed my phone and gave Yuna a call wondering if we can walk to school together today.

"Jiminshi?" She answered after two rings.

"Yuna, Can I walk with you to school today?"

"Yeah, Of course. Yoongi left early today anyways and Soomi woke up late so Ari will wait for her."

"Araso, I'm already on the way. Are you ready?"

"I'm still making myself breakfast though. Do you want to come and join me?"

"Sure, Be there in two."

I knocked on the door and right away, there she was opening the door looking even more beautiful, especially in the morning when her eyes were still puffy.

"Good morning." I said shyly.

She smiled widely, "Come in" I followed and closed the door behind me making our way towards the kitchen.

"Mmm smells really good" I said when the buttery smell hit my nose as I took my seat on the stool.

She laughed, "It's just pancakes."

"I like pancakes"

"do you like them with strawberries?"

"Strawberries? I like them plain." I laughed.

She laid out a plate in front of me with two pancakes, crushed strawberries, chocolate drizzle and a little bit of whipped cream. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"I know you like chocolate but trust me it's better with strawberries." I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite. "It's good huh?" I smiled and nodded my head while shoving another mouthful. She laughed again and turned around to make herself a plate.

I stared at her as she moved gracefully around the kitchen and made me realize the butterflies I was having in the pit of my stomach. The littlest things she did always amazed me and if that meant making my life more sweeter then I wouldn't mind it. Although it was just chocolate, It just meant she paid attention to me which was making my heart pound and once she turned back around to face me I felt my face turn red and realized I had more than just a crush on one of my best friends.

End of Flashback*

I smiled to myself as I shook the thought away and grabbed a fork, "Does your Eomma smash the strawberries too?"

She nodded quickly, "Ne! How'd you know?" She asked surprised.

"You're Eomma taught me." I said as I handed her the fork and started whisking the batter.

"Did you like my Eomma?"

She caught me by surprise and just said the first thing that came to my mind, "She was my best friend Mina."

"I thought Auntie Soomi and Auntie Ari were her best friends." She said while poking at the strawberries, "Do you know them?"

"Mhm" I nodded.

"Is Eomma still your best friend?" I put my whisk down to face her and grabbed the bowl from her arms then she looked up at me.

I pulled her hair behind her tiny ear and looked at her eyes that were related to Yuna's, "Of course Mina especially since we have you. I love your Eomma okay? Without her we wouldn't have you."

She put her hands under her legs while she nodded her head and that's when I realized I just said I love Yuna. I thought to myself of course I still love her, She's the mother of my daughter. "How come you live here then and not with us?" Mina asked interrupting my thoughts.

How did this six year old come up with these questions or better yet how the heck am I supposed to respond to that? And just when I was about to say something Jungkook saved me and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning hyung!" He said and walked passed me to give Mina a kiss on the forehead, "Goodmorning Mina!" Then pinched her cheeks.

"Uncle Kookie! Finally! You and Uncle Tae sleep so much" She said while giggling.

"Let's go wake him up?" He asked and lowered his back.

"Ne!" She said and opened her arms wide to jump on Kookies back.

I leaned on the counter and took a deep breath when they exited. I really hope Yuna come's back soon because I don't know how to answer Mina's questions without saying the wrong thing and being on Yuna's bad side.


Photocreds to owners*

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