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I slowly open my eyes and feel sore all over, my legs felt like I have been running all night , and the pit of my stomach felt tight and cramped. I turn to my back to see if he was still beside me. I slowly sit up and cross my legs as I noticed he was gone. I burry my face in humiliation after I saw my bed sheets crumpled in the corner of my room stained with blood.

Yuna's Flashback to last night's event

I looked into his eyes and knew he was the one I wanted to lose it to. He wasn't just my boyfriend, He was someone I trusted with all my life. I wanted him to know how thankful I was of him and how much I loved him. If anyone deserved my love it was definitely Park Jimin.

"Yuna this is gonna hurt ok?" He said as he searched my worried face.

I nodded my head and pursed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled his face closer to my lips but didn't touch it. He slowly started his way inside me, I screamed at the sharp pain that suddenly pierced at the bottom of my belly button but he caught my cry with his tender kisses to distract me.

He pulled away and looked at me as I felt warm liquid spill down my inner thighs.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, but I think I'm bleeding.."

He slowly released himself off me and went to the bathroom to grab a towel when he saw that I was bleeding.

"This is so embarrassing." I said as I wiped my legs down and remove the sheets.

"Yuna, don't say that. This is our first time and it's nothing to worry about. It's normal." He walked up to me and slowly wrapped his hands around my waist once more. I kept my head low as I was too shy to make eye contact.

He lifted my chin to make me look at him, "You know I love you right Yuna?" I looked him in the eyes to see how serious he was. I smiled lightly and nodded. "I love you too."

"Do you want to keep trying?"

I unwrapped his arms on my waist and grabbed his hand to walk him back to my bed. "Just don't hurt me please?" I worriedly asked.

"Never." As he climbed back on top of me.

End of Flashback.

I lifted my head out of my hands when I heard Jimin walk into my room with a bowl in his hand and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Good morning beautiful" He handed me the bowl of cereal and kissed my forehead while he sat beside me. "How are you feeling?"

I took a bite of my frosted flakes and responded keeping my head low "I feel really sore."

"Mianhae" He said as he handed me the sunflower. I was forced to look up and see innocent Jimin puppy eyes and couldn't help but smile back. I placed my bowl on the side table and crawled my way onto his lap with the flowers in my hand.

"I love you Park Jimin." and kissed his cheek. "But you can't just use those chinky eyes of yours to make me forgive you" I said while pinching his cheek.

He suddenly carried me and pinned me down to my bed.

"You asked for it" He said while slowly making his way down to my lips.


"Yuna! Ari and Soomi are here!" Yoongi yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back with my hands lifting me up for support. I looked back at the mirror and I look pale and Tired.

"Yuna!" Ari and Soomi both screamed as I made my way down towards them. They both ran to me to give me a hug but I was taken aback and felt dizzy.

"Hey guys" I gave them a slight smile while holding my head.

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