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Yuna's POV*

I tossed and turned in the unfamiliar bed I was in knowing my daughter was out there somewhere either crying or hurt. How can I even go to sleep knowing she's no where in sight. What can they possibly be doing with her? Who can possibly have her? I suddenly felt dizzy with these thoughts in my head. I got up from the bed and slowly open the door quietly hoping not to wake anyone up. I head towards the kitchen to warm myself some calming tea and noticed the kitchen light was on already. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment so I turned around and tried to make my way back to the room but of course my stupid toe hits the corner of the coffee table and I whispered loudly to myself.


"Yuna?" It was too late already, Jimin called my name as he peeked out from the kitchen to the living room, "Are you okay?"

I was a little embarrassed getting caught so I just nodded my head and walked my way towards him into the kitchen.

"Can't sleep huh?" He asked while pouring hot water into his cup. I sat on the stool next to the counter and watched him grab a tea bag from the cup board, "Green or Chamomile?" I felt a little flustered and surprised that he was offering to make me tea so I didn't answer right away. "I kind of have a feeling that our nerves aren't in the right place, so chamomile it is." He said while placing the hot tea in front of me.

"Gomawo", He gave me a smile and brought the steaming tea up to his lips and I realized I was staring. I shook my head and started to drink the hot tea to hide my flushed face. "Shit!" I cursed as I burned my tongue and lips from the steaming hot tea.

Jimin placed his cup down and leaned over the counter to move my hand from my mouth to see if I got burned, "Aigo," He said surprised, "It's turning white, we have to treat it right away. Can you feel your mouth?"

I took my hand from his and placed my index finger towards my bottom lip, "Aish" I winced at the pain.

"Gaja," He said as he made his way out of the kitchen and we both went towards the bathroom. "Sit." He said again gesturing me to sit on the toilet. He was looking through the medicine cabinet and came across a white tube, He opened the lid and placed a small strip of gel on his thumb. He slowly kneeled down in front of me till we were both at eye level. He looked at me for a quick moment kind of asking for permission to place the gel himself but I didn't say anything except narrow my eyes to his approaching thumb, which already brushed across my lip with the soothing gel, "This should cool it down and hopefully bring back some feeling," I looked at his eyes when he mentioned the word feeling which he seemed to notice my uncomfortableness and laughed quietly, "To your lips of course."

I stood up to hide myself from blushing, "It's fine I can feel it now thanks" before I could move from my position he caught my hand and I slowly turned to look down on him again. He got up from his kneeling position as I kept my eyes fixed on him.

"Let's go finish your tea.. I'll give you a straw this time." He chuckled softly as he lead me back to the kitchen with my hand still in his. I decided to swallow my pride and let him take the lead. He didn't deserve anymore of my harsh attitude at the moment.

I sat back down on the stool while Jimin placed a straw on my now warm tea and leaned back on the counter across me.

"Thank you." I said as I took a sip through my straw and he just nodded. An awkward silence was upon us and I was hoping he wouldn't bring up what happened earlier so I decided to speak first, "You know-"

"Why'd you leave?" We both said at the same time and here we are again back to square one.

"What?" I pretended I didn't hear.

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