Twenty Seven

31 3 0

Yuna's POV*

..He would've chosen you.. Jin's voice continued to trail on the back of my mind as I watch the clock tick on the wall that read 3:27 in the morning. The low heavy breathing of Yoongi oppa sleeping in the background that matched the beeping of the monitors attached to me suddenly made me anxious.

Yuna's Flashback*

"He's just upset, Don't let it get to you." Yoongi sat beside me and hugged me for comfort as I cried on his chest.

"But why?" I sobbed, "What did I do to him?"

"Shhh, It's nothing you did." He continued to pat my head and once I calmed down I pulled away from him and wiped my tears away, "But don't get me wrong Yuna he was kind of right.."

"Wha- what do you mean?"

"You know I try not to get too involved in your life but you don't really know the whole story.."

"Well how can I? No one ever tells me anything!" I yelled quietly.

"Yuna, Calm down. I don't know if you noticed but you like to make a lot of decisions on your own without listening to other people.."

"Can you just tell me what's going on."

He started telling me the whole story. How Jin was always with me during the day and how Jimin came back during the night after they were looking for Mina. He continued telling me how Jimin finally found Mina in an abandoned building in the arms of a sasaeng.

"....I didn't mean for Mina to see me but then she called my name and ran to me..." My heart dropped and everything else he said became mute. 

"Oh my goodness..please please tell me shes okay.."

"Yuna are you not listening? I said Jimin was the one who got hit."

I felt the the tears in my eyes form as I felt all the wind get knocked out inside of me.

"I.. is.. is he okay?" I managed to choke out. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I haven't seen him since we've rushed to the hospital after that. He's actually here too."

End of flashback*

I quietly picked up the phone on the side table to call in the nurse.

"Ms. Min," the nurse answered.

"Hi, I was wondering if I can visit a friend here? I just need help with my IVs"

"Ne, Ms.Min. I'll be right there to assist you."

"Kamsahamnida. Also, Do you mind coming in quietly? I don't want my brother to wake up."


A few minutes later the nurse had walked in quietly liked I asked while Yoongi was still fast asleep. She started putting my IV bags on a stand that I can take along side with me so I can go and see Jimin. The nurse then took my hand to cut off my wristband with my name on it to put a new one. I looked at my wrist while she cut it and I didn't notice the bracelet I had under it. It was the one Jimin had given me back in high school. I played with it and smiled at the thought when he gave it to me. I tried to think about who had put it back on my wrist because I knew I had kept it in my bag.

"You're all set to go Ms.Min," The nurse interrupted my thoughts as I looked up at her and smiled, "Do you need help going to your friend?"

I shook my head, "Aniyo, I got it from here, but do you mind telling me where I can find the room of Park Jimin?"

"Arasseo, Let's go back to the computer to search it up."

I got up slowly as my head started to spin but I closed my eyes for a quick second to manage my stance and waited for my vision to clear again and followed her out.

"Room 3044, that's actually right down the hall on the corner Ms. Min."

"Kamsahamnida." I smiled at the nurse and made my way towards Jimin's room with my stand rolling beside me.

I took in a deep breath before I slowly walked in to see Jimin sleeping on the bed and Jin beside him on the chair still awake. He turned his head to see me and I gave him a slight smile.

"Oh Yuna," 

"Hi." I whispered shyly and he got up and offered me the chair, "Thank you." I sat down and stared at Jimin trying to avoid eye contact with Jin since it was our first encounter from what happened earlier, "How is he?"

"Well, he hasn't woken up since his surgery last night." I pursed my lips and grabbed his hand, "The doctor said he got really lucky. The bullet missed just half an inch to his lungs when he got hit on the back."

"Why hasn't he woken up then?"

"The blood he lost I guess. He just needs a lot of rest for his body to recover."

I nodded my head and we both stayed quiet for a moment before I spoke. Still avoiding Jin's way I started to apologize, "I'm sorry for what happened earlier-"

He cut me off, "Aniyo, I shouldn't have called you that." 

I finally looked at him and made sure he wouldn't interrupt me, "You had every right to be upset with me. Everything I did or have done has been so unfair to the people around me," I turned back to Jimin, "Even if you say that he would've chosen me over his career, I'd still want him to choose that over me. He doesn't deserve someone like me. He deserves so much more than that. I couldn't let the burden of him having a child be the one thing that stopped him from pursuing that dream. It sounds selfish but I thought that was the only way he'd be happy."

I suddenly felt Jin's presence next to me as he squatted to meet eye level with me on the chair, "It's all in the pass now Yuna. We can't change everything that happened already but we can always change the future." He paused,  "You still love him right?"

I nodded my head as a tear started to run down my cheek and Jin quickly brushed it off with his thumb and grabbed both my hands in his, "Stop running away from him and let him love you. You both deserve to be happy and Mina deserves to have both her loving parents with her. Right?"

I nodded my head. There was nothing more that I wanted than giving Mina the whole world and the only way she could get that is if she had both me and Jimin.

"Trust me Mina, He's no where near mad at you if that's what you're thinking. Do you understand me?"


UGH! its been a minute since ive updated BECAUSE my laptop sucks I'm waiting to get a new one  :'(

also I just realized Yunas friends Ari and Soomi kinda just disappeared.. lol how do I bring them back to the story ?? LOL HELP!

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