Twenty Six

29 3 0

Yuna's POV*

"Even after all this time and all these things that have been happening, I still love you." I felt the softness of his finger run across my cheek and the warmth of his lips on my forehead. I tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy and the pounding pain in my head only made me more tired. It felt like I was in a dream because I couldn't move my body and after that everything went blank again.


"Do you think we should bring Mina here?" I heard oppa's voice talking.

"Maybe she'll be the one to wake Yuna up."

I finally get to open my eyes and look around the unfamiliar room, I look at my hand that had needles poking my veins and making my arm numb. I see Yoongi Oppa's back turned to me while talking with Jin at the end of my bed. I tried to speak up but my mouth was too dry from dehydration. I winced at the pain in my head as I tried to move my body but luckily Jin notices that I'm awake.

"Yoongiah," He looks passed my brother and looks at me, Yoongi turns around and rushes to my side. He puts his hand in mine and buries his face with it. After a moment he looks up at me with teary eyes and sighs.

"Yuna, I'm so glad you're awake."

We both looked at Jin, "I'll go get the nurse." He said and walked out the room.

I couldn't speak as clear so I swallowed the lump in my throat and my voice came out raspy, "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" He asked and I shook my head, "I don't know Yuna, you just went unconscious out of no where when Khan was interviewing us," He paused and tried to hold his tears back and all of sudden I felt a rush a regret as I knew why I went unconscious.

I looked away and stared at my toes that were covered under the blanket, "I'm sick oppa." I whispered.

He squeezed my hand and looked at me surprised, "You know?"

I nodded my head but kept looking at my feet and I can see the awe in his face from the corner of my eyes, "I didn't go to Hong Kong for a little getaway... I was actually there to go see eomma and appa," I licked my dry lips and looked at him, "They helped me get treatment and see specialist over there.."

He bowed his head and sighed heavily, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I- I didn't want you to worry.."

 I didn't take my eyes off him and started to cry. Although he always put on a tough look, no one really knew the real Yoongi except me. He was such a loving and caring person, He practically raised me ever since my parents disappeared most of my life. He was the person that made me the person I am today. He was my mom, my dad, and my big brother. He loved Mina as if she was his own. He never second guessed my decisions in life and always supported me. Deep down he was softer than he looked and I owed him so much.  

He didn't say anything but he finally lifted his head and played with my hand instead, "I remember the very first day mom and dad brought you home, I was so upset because I didn't get a little brother," He chuckled slightly but kept his gaze on my hand, "But you were so small... Eomma even grabbed your little hand to wrap around my finger. I thought it was the cutest shit ever. That was actually the reason why I didn't feel upset anymore." He pursed his lip and and tilted his head, "You know, even before mom and dad started going overseas a lot you were my only family, always there for me. Always taking my side whenever they scolded me. You were my best friend." He looked at me with sad eyes, "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't wake up. I was so scared Yuna."

I squeezed his hand, "Mianhae oppa" and gave him a reassuring smile that everything will be okay. He got up from the chair beside me to kiss the temple of my head and patted it.

"Just stay strong Yuna and keep fighting. Arraseo?" I nodded my head, "I love you kiddo." And just in time Jin came back with the nurse right behind him.

After giving me a couple of pain relievers and lots of water, I was starting to feel my voice again and the pounding pain in my head was finally tolerable.

"Oppa?" I asked Yoongi who was sitting to my right and Jin to my left.


 "I heard you ask to bring Mina? Is she finally here?" I asked curiously.

He looked at Jin then at me, "She's back home actually with Tae and Kookie."

I sat up carefully, "Really? Well where is she? Why isn't she here?" The excitement made my head hurt again so I closed my eyes till it stopped.

"I didn't know if you wanted her to see you like this," He bit his lips and quietly continued, "She's been through a lot Yuna"

"What do you mean?" I paused, "Wait, how long was I asleep for?"

"A little over a week?"

"What?" I rested my head back and took a long deep breath, "So what happened? Who had her?"

"I think you should rest first Yuna, Mina is fine now. You should focus on getting better so you can see her." Jin said while I turned to him.

"Can you guys just tell me what happened. This is my daughter we're talking about I need to know what happened." I tried to speak as calmly as I could so I wouldn't freak myself out and cause anymore stress to my brain.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and spoke, "Well it turns out, One of our staff members was obsessed with Jimin.."

I felt all the blood drain from my body as I felt chills run up my spine, "Okay and what did that have to do with Mina?"

"I guess she thought taking her would be the only way to get Jimin."

I covered my face as I started to get angry, "Is this what it's going to be like?" I ran my hands through my face and looked at him, "I should've known keeping her out of his life would've been safer." I hissed.

"Are you serious Yuna?" Jin questioned me back.

"Yes!" I screamed out of frustration, "You guys were getting more public attention and me and Mina were living so quietly-"

He cut me of, "You know what Yuna,"

"Hyung," Yoongi tried to stop him.

"Aniyo," He got up and looked at Yoongi then stared me down, "The person you're accusing of endangering your daughter actually saved her. While you were asleep he was here every night to watch you and make sure you were okay. He was out every day searching for Mina. You can see in his eyes that he was hurt. He felt like the whole world was against him. You should be thankful for him you selfish bitch." He turned his back on me to walk out the door but stopped before he exited, "And for the record Yuna, If you hadn't left back then he would've chosen you over this dream you so call unsafe for Mina." He laughed sarcastically shaking his and walked out.

I stared at the closed door, shocked. I wasn't close to Jin at all but everything he just threw at me stabbed me. My hands started to tremble as I covered my mouth to prevent me from crying.

"He's just upset, Don't let it get to you." Yoongi sat beside me and hugged me for comfort as I cried on his chest.


hmmmm i dont like how Yuna is suddenly fine from her coma LOL but i dont major in the medical field soooo OHWELL.

btw Jin just called Yuna a bitch.. ZAYUUUUUUUUM lol

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