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Jimin POV*

"Jiminshi" Yoongi started, "As Yuna's brother I wanted to respect every decision she made for Mina as her mother. And as your friend I think what she did wasn't fair to you."

I looked him straight in the eye trying to control my emotions so I wouldn't say anything that I might regret later, "I understand that hyung, You're stuck in the middle but how is it that these two, who have nothing to do with Yuna, couldn't tell me that they met Mina before me." I looked at Taehyung, who I was most closest to in the house, trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"Jimin our sisters are best friends I think it's bound for us to find out" Namjoon said.

"That has nothing to do with the fact that you two knew that they were here and didn't tell me."

He took a deep breath and continued, "Look, We really wanted to tell you about Yuna and Mina, especially Taehyung-"

Yoongi cut him off to end this conversation, "Jimin, Yuna's the only person who can answer your questions. It was wrong I know, and I apologize on my behalf but I told these two to keep it a secret for the sake of my sister. Just wait till she comes back and just have this time with Mina araso?" he patted my shoulder and walked back outside and Namjoon gave me a small smile and followed. I lowered my head and closed my eyes again. I tried to gather my thoughts when I was interrupted when he finally spoke.

Taehyung's POV*

"Jiminah" I said slowly but he didn't move a muscle and stayed in the same position, "Namjoon hyung and I ran into her by accident I think last year and you know how close me and Soomi are. We tell each other everything-"

He cut me off not sounding upset but more frustrated, "I don't care about where you saw her or how many times you saw her anymore. Everything happened already," He finally looked up at me and I suddenly felt guilty for lying to him all this time, "I just want to know why it was okay with you to make me look stupid? I thought we were closer than that."

Taehyung's Flashback*

"Soomi?" I answered my sisters call.

"Twin, Yuna told me she saw you and Namjoon yesterday?"

"Ne, We bumped into her in front of an apartment building, I guess she was visiting someone I think."

"Mhmm," She paused on the other end then continued, "Well actually she lives there."

"What?" I asked confused,

"But that's not for me to explain. Anyways it's Mina's birthday tomorrow, She was wondering if you wanted to stop by?"

"Sure, Should I ask Jimin too?"

"Ani!" She snapped back, "Yuna said just you and Namjoon because he doesn't know that they're back either. Ari already told Namjoon oppa to keep it a secret."

"Jinjjayo?" I said quietly to myself, "Araso, I'll see you tomorrow"

Why would Yuna not want me to tell Jimin she's here? Especially if it was for Mina's birthday? Should I go? Should I tell Jimin? Maybe I should just wait and see tomorrow.

Next Day*

Me and Namjoon were waiting in the front door of Yuna's apartment door waiting for someone to let us in while I had a huge teddy bear in my arms for Mina.

The door finally opened and Yoongi hyung was the one to open it.

"Hyung," Namjoon said and I smiled.

"Come in," We followed Yoongi to the tiny apartment but spacious enough for almost ten people. "Yuna, Namjoon and Taehyung are here," He said while we sat on the couch. We couldn't tell if we were early or if anyone was coming because we only saw a cake and one big pot on the dining table. Soomi told me she was on her way along with Ari.

"Uncle Yoongi!" A little girl squealed while she ran out into the living room and onto Yoongi's lap, "I'm finished!"

"You look so pretty Princess," Hyung said while he gave her a peck on her forehead. She then turned to the couch where she saw the big teddy bear in my hands and her eyes became wide. She slowly got off Yoongi's lap and walked slowly towards us.

"Is that for me?" she asked shyly.

"Mina where are your manners?" We lifted our heads towards the voice and saw Yuna once again as she looked at her daughter then at us and smiled with pursed lips.

"Mianhaeyo Eomma," Mina then faced us again and bowed. Me and Namjoon stood up to greet Yuna.

"That's okay," Namjoon said. "But yes Mina this is for you, from me and your Uncle Taehyung" He pointed at the teddy bear and I handed it to her and received a big smile in return.

"I love it! Kamsahamnida" She paused then looked a little confused, "hmm Uncle Tae? And Uncle.."

Yuna cleared her throat and spoke, "Uncle Tae and Uncle Namjoon are your Uncle Yoongi's best friends Mina."

"More Uncles?!" She said excitedly and ran to us to give us a hug.

"Mina can you take your teddy bear to your room please? Auntie Soomi and Auntie Ari are almost here. I'll call you when we can eat your cake araso?"

"Ne eomma" Then she walked happily back to her room.

Me and Namjoon sat back down and waited for her awkwardly to start talking first.

"I bet you guys are wondering why Jimin's not here or why I didn't tell Jimin were back..." We both looked at her but didn't say anything, "In short I just don't want Mina to get in the way of Jimin's career. I hope you guys understand that."

I was a little confused, "How would Mina get in the way of his career? That's his daughter I'm sure he'll find a way to balance that out." I said reassuringly.

"Taehyungie" Namjoon whispered to me as if to keep my mouth shut and it kind of upset me a little.

"Wae? That's not fair. She's Jimin's daughter too. How would she know if Mina was getting in the way his career if she hasn't even tried?" I said towards Namjoon as if Yuna wasn't there.

"Taehyung," He said again but this time more solid so I stopped.

"I know it's not fair," I turned back to Yuna, "But can you just please respect my decision for now? It's what I want."

"What about what Jimin wants?" I defended my friend, "I'm closest to him in the house. What am I suppose to say to him? Do you know what he's been through? OR did Yoongi Hyung at least tell you?" I looked at him and as usual no expression so I just ignored it. I turned to Namjoon waiting for him to defend me.

"We should respect what Yuna wants and I think we shouldn't be involved in their situation."

"But we're already involved hyung and why does she make all the decisions for Mina? She has more than one parent you know". " I hissed back and looked at her one more time.

"I'm gonna tell him just don't beat me to it please?" She looked in my eyes with hopefulness.

"If this backfires on me, I will never forgive any of you."

End of Flashback*

I had no excuse to tell Jimin why I kept this secret from him all along so I just kept my head low in shame. We both sat there in silence when he finally took in a deep breath and spoke, "Just promise me you'll never keep anything from me again ok?"

I looked at him with joy and finally felt so much weight lift off my shoulders and wrapped my arms around him, "So you forgive me?" He slowly took me out of his embrace and nodded.

"Just help me make Mina love me as much as you"


Hey loves sorry I haven't updated in so long ive been caught up!!!

but I hope to continue to write daily and hopefully the story starts picking up..sorry if it's boring but please like and vote and send me some feedback I'm very open to suggestions :*

photo creds to owners*

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