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I held my hands together and shaked my legs in nervousness as I wait for the third test to officially convince me that the first two were definitely positive. I told Ari and Soomi to wait outside the bathroom as it would make me more anxious if they were inside with me.

I grabbed all three tests and opened my bathroom door to my room to see both my bestfriends pacing back and fourth in nervousness. They both ran to me and asked what happened. I simply handed them the three positive tests and sinked down on the floor as I sob tears onto my knees.

"Yuna.." Soomi started. "Don't cry please, I'll start crying too."

Ari hugged me and whispered in my ears, "It's gonna be okay. I promise"

I finally looked up at them and held their hands. "What am I gonna do?"

Soomi just held my hand with her head low and shrugged. Ari as the oldest one from all three of us spoke "You should tell him Yuna"

A moment of silence had past us and I broke it by saying that I wanted to tell Yoongi first.

"Are you sure you'll be okay till Yoongi gets back?" Soomi asked. I nodded in response.

"Yuna, please call us if you need anything"

"I will" I told Ari and closed my door and headed back to my room with my shoulders feeling heavy. I let out all my tears as I waited for my older brother to come home.


I knocked on Yoongi's door as soon as I heard him end a phone call.

"Oh, you're still awake?" He turned in his chair setting his phone down while I made my way to his bed.

"I was actually waiting for you"

"chincha? wae?" he asked.

He made his way towards me and kneeled down to my eye level as he saw me tearing up.

"Don't be mad at me please."

"Yuna, don't play that game. what happened?

"I.."I let my head hang low, "I think I might be pregnant"

I looked up when I didn't hear him say anything. He just looked at me with an emotionless face and asked "I Don't know what to say, Does he know?"

I shook my head, "I just found out today." I started crying again and leaned my head on his shoulder as he patted my head. "I don't know what to do"

"What do you want to do?" I stayed silent after he asked. I felt so numb to the feeling I didn't know what I wanted at the moment.

"How about we go to the doctor tomorrow to make sure you really are pregnant and nothing else." I took my head off his shoulder and looked at him and nodded. "Also, I'll tell mom and dad myself since I am supposed to be looking after you." I put my head back down "Go to bed and get some rest."


"Congratulations Ms.Min Yuna. It looks like you're about six and a half weeks pregnant." The doctor said.

"Gomawo" I bowed and kept my head there as I felt ashamed because she's probably thinking I'm too young to be pregnant.

"Thank you doctor" Yoongi spoke and stood up to shake her hand.

"Goodluck and please contact us if you have any questions or want to set up any check ups."

Me and Yoongi bowed and made our way out of the doctors office.

"Mom and Dad don't seem too happy about this but I don't think they're upset." He said as we made our way to the car.

I stayed silent. "Yuna, everythings going to be fine. You're not dying for crying out loud."

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