Twenty Three

33 6 0

Jimin's POV*

I slowly open the door to Yuna's hospital room and take a quick peak inside before I fully enter. I see a sleeping Jin on the side of the bed and an unconscious Yuna deep in her sleep. I walked towards her and grabbed the empty seat opposite from Jin hyung and grabbed Yuna's hand as I pressed it against my cheek. I closed my eyes and remembered a smiling Yuna from the very first time I saw her.

Jimin's Flashback*

"Yuna! Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Yoongi yelled.

"Aigo Oppa! I'm coming!" Some girl with fairly pale skin and long black hair yelled from across the living room as she placed on her uniform blazer and an apple in her mouth. She stopped in front of me taking out the apple from her lips. "Ugh hi! You must be Yoongi's friend?" She lifted her glasses up her nose and I took a glimpse of her soft eyes. She was pretty and I was staring. She waved her hand in front of my face as I was brought back to reality.

We both laughed,"Oh sorry. My name's Jimin." I said as I took her hand that was in front of me and shook it.

"I'm Yuna, Yoongi's younger sister."

"Ok weirdos. Let's go now we're gonna be late on the first day of school."

We all stepped out of the house and walked our way to school with me and Yoongi on each side of Yuna.

"Apple?" She offered me.

"No thank you." I smiled. I liked how outgoing and confident she was. It made me a little less awkward.

"So what line are you?"

"95 and you?"

"oh! 95 also!" She responded with a shy smile.

"I can't wait till I leave school." Yoongi mumbled on his side.

"Psh," Yuna ignored him, "Well I hope we become good friends so I'm not always stuck with my other friends Soomi and Ari" She laughed and I looked at her and felt a sudden connection to her that made my heart pound.

End of Flashback*

I was brought back to reality when I heard Jin hyung's chair squeak.

"Oh Jiminah you're here." I opened my eyes but left my gaze on Yuna, "Where did you go?"

"No where. I just needed some alone time," He nodded his head as if answering his own question, I took Yuna's hand away from my cheek and laid it on the bed without letting go, "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Yoongi and Namjoon went back to the studio with Manager because I guess they have new leads to discuss with the police for Mina's kidnapping."


"Shh." He shushed me, "We're in the hospital pabo. That's why Taehyungie and Kookie were calling you."

"Are they still here?"

He nodded, "Yes, they're waiting for you in the cafeteria just in case you showed up so you guys can go to Bighit. Hobiah will drive you guys." I looked at Yuna not wanting to leave her, "It's okay Jimin I won't leave her side. Go."

I kissed the back of Yuna's hand as I got up and whispered softly to her ear, "I'll be back, Try and wake up Yuna. Please. Mina will be looking for you." I tuck her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

"Gomawo hyung." He smiled back and I headed out to meet the rest.


We made our way to the conference room once we reached Bighit and saw Yoongi, Namjoon, Manager and the two police officers from earlier talking around the table.

"Finally," Yoongi said, "Where were you?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm here now. What happened?" I took a seat next to him and the rest followed.

Manager was the one to speak now, "So we found out that Lia has left Seoul this morning." I ran my hand through my face in frustration and let out a deep breath. Lia was the last one to be with Mina and was our only hope. Now she's gone.

"We went to visit her apartment for questioning after Mrs. Park was sent to the hospital." The police said, "She was apparently living with a roommate who had no idea why she left. We got the chance to dig around her room and it seems to us that she has no plans on coming back."

"Isn't there any way we can find her?" I pleaded.

"Yes we have a few investigators already on it but there's something you need to know." I looked at him anxiously and noticed Yoongi's face turn hard and Namjoon pursing his lips, "She's been watching you Mr. Park ."

"What?" I asked confused, He threw a couple of pictures across the table to me, "Whe- Where did you get these?" I looked at the pictures in my hands that had my face on them. They were distant photos. Almost looking like she was following me and taking pictures from who knows where.

"They were scattered on the wall inside her closet."

"There's more Jimin," Yoongi said and the police man handed me one last picture from Lia's collection, "We have a feeling that Lia was the one who took Mina." I looked at him then at the picture.  It was a photo of me and Yuna almost 6 years ago back when we had our one year anniversary date, hand in hand by the flee market.

"I don't get it.. How can she even have a picture of this? How does she even know Yuna? What does Mina have to do with any of this?" I started to crumple the picture from the anger I was feeling.

"Do you remember Lee Yeseol?" I looked up at the police man again with watery eyes.

"Who?" He handed me another photo of a girl. She looked familiar and it hit me. It was a girl from my extra curricular class back in my freshman year. She was a new student back then and a noona, three years older than me. She didn't talk much and kept to herself behind a camera she always carried. "This girl was a classmate of mine back in high school who I only talked to once? What does she have to do with Mina's kidnapping?"

"Jiminah, Lia's real name was Lee Yeseol when we hired her."


Not sure how school works everywhere but where i went extra credit classes could have a mix class of all ages lol BUT anyway I forgot Lia was a Noona to all of bts in the previous chapters but then i realized i made yoongi go to school with these two soooo lets just assume Yoongi was two years older and Lia was three years older  LOL hope it wasnt too confusing.


and thank you again for reading and supporting.. means so much to me.

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