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Yuna's POV*

I felt my throat tighten up and my heart drop to my stomach when Jimin stood up and walked out on me. What did you expect Yuna? I thought to myself. The words he threw at me hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew all he wanted was to finally see Mina and here I am still ruining a decent conversation. I swallowed my tears and got up to go after him. I looked both ways when getting out of the coffee shop. I turned to my left to see that he wasn't too far off. I jogged a bit to catch up to him.

"Jimin!" I yelled, while a few people looked my way. He turned his head to look at me but continued to walk as if he wasn't the one being called. "Jimin," I finally caught up to him but he still ignored me. "Hey!" I grabbed his hand to turn him around and face me.

"What?" He yelled back at me catching me by surprise. He looked at my hand that was holding his and yanked it out of my grasp. I looked at his eyes and could see the hurt I've caused to make them cold.

"I.." I started mumbling, "I didn't mean this whole meet up to end up like this." I took in a deep breath and continued, "I'm just you know, I'm a little nervous and I don't know how to confront you or know what to say." I said while looking at my feet.

"Pfft," He hissed. "You know Yuna, I'm not asking for an explanation to why you left me. I honestly just wanted to see an old friend of mine and wanted to see how she was." He lifted my chin up to meet his gaze. My heart suddenly started beating fast. "And if everything turned out fine I was going to finally ask if I could meet her daughter."

I looked at him and grabbed his hand away from my chin, "You know," I paused, "She's your daughter too."

His hard face disappeared and he laughed a little, "Yeah, I know that."

"I'm sorry." I said then smiled softly. "Cmon, Let me buy you another Americano and talk about this like two mature adults."

We both laughed and made our way back to the coffee shop.


"Her name's Mina" I started and showed him a picture of his daughter.

He grabbed the phone from me and smiled, "She's beautiful, just like her mom" He said while still looking at the picture. I felt my face turn red. After a moment of silence he returned the phone to me and asked, "So, Why Mina?"

"Like why did I name her Mina?" he nodded while I tried to stall because it was embarrassing to say why I named our daughter that. "Truth?" he nodded again, I laughed nervously then continued, "Well it's actually our names put together. You know, JiMIn and YuNA. It sounds cliche but-"

"No, I like it. I think it fits her well." He cut me off.

I looked down at my coffee and took another sip as I felt embarrassed. "I even gave her your last name." I said shyly.

"Jinja?" I looked up at his surprised face and nodded. "Wae? Don't get me wrong but I mean you pretty much ran away from me and which seemed like you didn't want to have nothing to do with me."

I shrugged and tried to make myself look like I wasn't affected by what he just said, "I can always change her last name." I laughed nervously and this time he was the one to look down so I tried to put him out of his embarrassment and continued, "I honestly don't know, I just felt like it was only right to give her her father's last name." He smiled to himself.

"So, I'm leaving to Hong Kong next week." I said out of the blue and his smile suddenly disappearing. He looked up at me again and I met his gaze. I wanted to let him know my plans before he started asking questions I wasn't ready to answer.

"Mina too?"

"No, So this is where you come in." He raised his eyebrow in confusion but I continued before he had anything else to say. "Since, I took Mina away from you for 6 whole years I thought this would be the perfect time for you to get to know your daughter and be a father to her. I already spoke to Yoongi about it and he told me she can stay with you guys until-"

"So we're doing this again Yuna?" He cut me off.

"Doing what?" I asked confused.

He ran his hands through his hair showing how frustrated he was starting to get, "I don't believe you, How are you always making decisions without me knowing? I get it, It's been six years since we've last seen each other but we have a daughter together and if it invovles her I think it's only fair if we both discussed it as her parents don't you think?"

He was right of course but I was too stubborn to change any plans I had already made. I know I had no right but I was giving him an unlitmatum. "Yoongi told me you wanted to meet her. I'm giving you more than that Jimin. I'm actually giving my daughter to you for a couple of weeks. If that's too much to ask for then maybe you don't deserve to meet her."

He laid his head in his hands and spoke, "You are full of shit do you know that?" I was caught off guard but deserved that. I felt my face warming up and my tears coming. He looked up at me again, "You are so unfair."

I knew after all this time I was being very unfair to him but I knew myself too much. I knew if I stayed while he was bonding with Mina, that would push me to wanting all of us to be together as a family and now I realized that was the main reason I kept Mina away from him, but after all that I've done, I know I didn't deserve any of that.

I stuck my ground and continued with my plan whether he liked it or not, "I'm not planning to leave my daughter and move to Hong Kong without her. I told my brother that I just need some time to think and during that time you can finally get to know who our daughter is."



Geez Yuna is so weird. LOLOL

Anyways I know Yuna is the protagonist but she will be away for awhile hehe she needs a break from being a mother.. (what kind of mother leaves her daughter with seven boys! Yet alone just for vacation?!)

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