Chapter 1

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I paced the hall anxiously.

What could be taking so long? Maybe I should just go and come back later?

Just as I was about to move my feet and head down the lengthy hallway the door finally opened.

I sighed in relief as my best friend and protector Pichit walked through the doors. His smile widened as he met my eye.

Pichit was small but he was one of our best warriors. No one was his equal in his abilities. Pichit was very special. Unlike the rulers of the Three Houses who were human, our protectors were something else entirely.

Pichit liked to call himself a werewolf but the actual term was shape shifter. It was an ancient art practiced by monks long ago, and the genetic code passed on through generations. Some had left the Three Houses, so there very well could be werewolves running around outside of these walls.

The werewolves here protected the Katsuki House for centuries, and I was glad to be born in Pichit's time.

"Hey Yuri." He smiled flashing a set of dimples. His dark hair flopped over his tanned forehead. His lean figure posed as he waited for me to answer.

"Hey Pichit. How did it go? What took so long?" I asked pressing two of my fingers together nervously. His face fell a moment and I felt my heart sink into my stomach.

"The Nishigori family is giving us a lot of push back." Pichit rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

He wasn't telling me something.

Oh no, it's bad. It has to be bad. Of course it's bad or he would have said something!

"It's because of me isn't it?" I asked, sighing as he nodded once.

"It's nothing personal. They just don't feel you are right to rule the empire of the Three Houses of Japan. They think their son will be a much better ruler." Pichit snorted.

I thought about the man he spoke of. Takeshi Nishigori. He was twice my size and twice as mean.

Unlike my father and ancestors who wanted to rule under peace; the Nishigori family wanted to rule with an iron fist. When put to a vote between the masters of the Three Houses or better known as our fathers, and their council; it had been decided long ago that my family be the head and rulers of the empire. Unfortunately that came with some drawbacks.

However the Second House wanted to keep things peaceful. To do so and to be sure that a Katsuki ruled the empire; I was being forced to marry my friend Yuuko. She was the daughter of the master of the Second House.
Neither of us wanted to marry the other. We were good friends, but we didn't love each other.

I sighed heavily.

"There's nothing that will change his mind is there?" I asked meaning my father. Pichit shook his head.

"Could be worse. She could have been ugly or something." Pichit shrugged and I gaped at him.

"Pichit!" I gasped and he rolled his eyes.

"You are so sensitive." He made a face.

"Keep that up and see if I feed you tonight." I stuck my tongue out and Pichit lowered his head like a wounded puppy.

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