Chapter 29

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I stared Nishigori down.

If I want to save Yuri I must get the antidote. He doesnt have much time left. I may not make it back in time.

"Times ticking Nikiforov. Yuri is probably choking on his own bile by now. He's probably turning an interesting shade of purple." Nishigori glanced at his fingernails casually.

My hands clenched into fists as my temper flared. He's toying with me.

You promised Yuri you weren't a monster. You promised to be good.

You promised to save him no matter what.

I struggled with myself. Fighting the urge to give him what he wanted just to save Yuri's life. The other half was torn with keeping my promises to Yuri. He believed in me.

He believed that I was more than just the monster I kept hidden inside. He loved me for who I was.

I love him.

With that last thought I made up my mind. I allowed my inner vampire to take over. I felt my fangs indent my lower lip. My nails extended to deadly points.

My blood boiled inside my veins. I shook with rage as a hiss escaped my lips.

Smirking I met Nishigori's eye. My bright blue glowing eyes mostly black with pupil met his frightened brown eyes.

"This is your future. Take a good look." I laughed as I lunged.

Bullets rang through the room but I was too fast.  I had my target in sights. In a matter of a minute the bullets ceased and body after body hit the floor leaving Nishigori standing alone.

I stalked towards him shoved him to the ground with an ease it was quite pathetic.

"I'm going to make you regret this, but first I must get to Yuri. Enjoy the change. It hurts. A lot." I grinned sinking my teeth into his neck and sucked the life from him.

Nishigori cried out as my teeth penetrated his skin. He clawed futiley at my hands but I pinned him down. His screams stifled into whimpers. Soon he blacked out from blood loss.

Licking my lips I grabbed the vile from his pocket and hurried from the bunker.

I need to get this to Yuri and quick. This isn't over yet.


The door to my bedroom closed but I didn't move from my spot. I was curled in a ball beneath the blankets on my bed.

I had my arms wrapped around myself. My knees were tucked into my chest. I felt numb. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I hated myself for not knowing how to cope. For not knowing how to handle this on my own. I was bitter that I felt this way and didn't understand why it affected me so much. I had been this way since-

I did what was right. Didn't I? It was the right choice.

"Are you going to sulk all night?" Otabek's deep voice spoke.

"Yes." I grumbled tightening the sheets around my head.

Why did I have to be the one to make the final decision? I'm not that strong!

I wanted to scream, to hit something to curse everyone, but in the end I knew they were just as hurt, confused and maybe as  numb as I was.

I heard him sigh a moment before the sheets were ripped off of me. Cool air hit me like a wall and I shivered tightening into my ball form even more.

"What the hell?" I snapped sitting up angrily. My fiery green gaze met his steady one.

"You need to face this. You had a tough choice to make. No one envies you. You were put in the toughest position. You did what you thought was best and what Yuri would have wanted. That is all that matters.

Look, Victor was spotted near the perimeter.  He will be home any moment. We are all behind you. I'm behind you. Okay?" Otabek cupped my cheek.

I relaxed under his touch, but the thought of telling Victor- I shivered involuntary.

"C'mon Kitten. It's time." Otabek smiled softly. I sighed taking his hand from my face and squeezed his fingers.

"I hate it when your right." I stuck my tongue out and threw my legs over the edge of the bed.

We walked hand in hand down the spiral staircase when Victor burst through the doors looking like he had gone to Hell and back.

"Victor? What happened?" Otabek gasped rushing to his side.

"Are you okay?" I asked taking in the blood stains on his clothes.

"I have to get this to Yuri." He rushed in a single breath and tried to pass us but we both blocked his path.

"Victor we need to talk to you." I began.

"Can it wait? Yuri needs this antidote and quickly. The poison-" He stopped mid sentence as he took in our faces.

"Yuri is-" I swallowd hard trying to find the right way to tell him.

"No. No. No!" Victor cried shoving past us. I didn't bother to stop him. He would see for himself. Otabek and I followed at our own pace. He would need this time to mourn for what he lost.


This can't be happening. I was too late. How could I have not been here for him?!

I promised him!

Tears streamed down my face as I burst through the infirmary doors.

Yuri lie still on the bed. He was no longer attached to any monitors. His eyes were closed. His chest wasnt moving at all. He looked peaceful.

I dropped to my knees and buried my face in my hands.

"Yuri. Milaya moyA. I-I'm so sorry." I cried collapsing onto the floor.

Emotions ripped through me at an alarming rate. Mourning, and hurt, anger and fury. I could feel the monster in me clawing it's way out.

I could set it free. What does it matter now? I could make him pay. I could make them all pay.

My insciors grew as the vampire in me craved the blood of its next victim. 

I will kill Nishigori if it's the last thing I do. I will avange Yuri.

"V-Victor? Why are you crying? What happened to you? Are you hurt?"  A melodious sound I thought I would never hear again drifted towards me.

I looked up to see Yuri sitting up in his bed watching me intently. 

His brown eyes glowed with hints of crimson. His insciors indented his lower lip.

"Yuri." I breathed as I sat on my knees in awe.

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