Chapter 23

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Again Minami is 19! If its too weird for you then dont read this one!


I grunted as I rolled over on the bed. I rubbed my head sleepily as I looked about the room. The large sleigh bed was pushed against the east wall across from a mahogany winter wardrobe. Moonlight shown in through the drawn curtains.

A soft murmur beside me caused me to look down. Sleeping soundly beside me was Minami. His bare back was to me. His honey blond hair and red patch flopped over his eyes.

I smiled to myself recalling our light play last night.

Victor had returned to camp with Yuuko and an unconscious Yuri with him. The vampire leader Yakov was close behind.

Yuuko rushed to Mickey and hugged him close. I pursed my lips but thought better of saying anything.

Victor approached me with Yuri in his arms.

"He needs medical attention." His voice cracked as his blue eyed pleaded with me.

"Of course, but we dont have the resources here to help him." I glanced worridly at my best friend.

"Vitya take the boy to our mansion. We shall make that our new quarters. Pack what you need and move quickly." Yakov inclined his chin.

We all immeditately began runing around the camp taking anything we could use. Before I knew it I was standing at the vampire's threshold.

The mansion was bigger than I had expected and could house all of us easily.

"Mila will show you to your rooms. Vitya bring the boy to the infirmary." Yakov headed through double doors followed by Victor with Yuri in his arms. I grabbed Victor's arm.

He turned to look at me in surprise. His expression softened as his gaze met mine.

"Yakov will help him. He will be fine. I know it." Victor nodded once before hurrying after the other vampire.

I felt a hand fall on my shoulder and turned to see Minami smiling at me.

"Yakov is brilliant, and with Lee's help Yuri will be well in no time." He grinned flashing his pointed tooth.

"Thanks." I smiled tiredly in relief.

"You're exhausted. Come on lets get you to bed." Minami winked.

As we headed up the grand staircase the front doors burst open revealing an annoyed Yurio.

"Yakov! Victor! Where are you? Come out you baka!" He shouted storming down the hall. Otabek lingered in the hall  shaking his head in amusement.

Smiling to myself I followed Minami upstairs. He paused before a set of doors and blushed deeply.

"This is my room for when I have to stay the night. Would you like to share it with me?" Minami asked tucking his head close to his shoulders in embarrassment.

He's so adorable.

"I'd love to." I smiled stepping into the room.

Minami shyly walked towards the grand sleigh bed.

I chuckled at his innocence as I tugged my shirt over my head. His large eyes rounded as he glanced at the muscles contouring  my body.

I arched a brow and he quickly looked away.

"Like what you see?" I giggled as he stammered turning bright red.

I stepped closer and touched the tip of his nose with mine.

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