Chapter 19

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I paced the small apartment growing more anxious by the second.

Why are we still here talking when my precious Yuri is being tortured??

In actuality it had only been a few minutes since we arrived and I had to force myself to calm down.

I could feel him awakening inside of me. The dark prince that was out for blood. I felt my fangs elongate eagerly.

Mila, Lee, Yurio, Chris, and Minami were deep in coversation with the werewolves. I gained their attention by slamming my fist on the desk breaking it in half.

"The longer we wait the closer Yuri is to death. We are leaving now." I growled.

Pichit's headset buzzed and he quickly answered for an update.

"Mickey says Yuuko is unharmed at the first house but Sara was on patrol and said Nishigori is on his way to them right now. We need to move out." Pichit's kind brown eyes changed to serious and lethal.

"We are going to have to split up. Nishigori will take a small army with him and still leave a small army behind to watch over Yuri." Minami chimed in.

"I'm going after Yuri."  I announced.

"I'm with the lovestruck idiot." Yurio gestured with his thumb.

"Me too." Otabek spoke up. Yurio's face turned red in annoyance and flattery all at once.

"I have to lead my team, but Yuri is my best friend." Pichit murmured cleary distressed.

"I will go with you." Minami placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"What should we do Victor?" Mila asked and I shrugged.

"Go with the werewolves. They may need your assistance. If we do not arrive within an hour make your way to Nishigori's house and be prepaired for a fight." I rubbed a hand over my face and my team nodded.

"Bring him home." Pichit clapped me on the back before hurrying from the room. Minami followed hot on his heels. Mila and Lee followed them and the other werewolf out of the door.

Otabek, Chris and Yurio followed me to my car and we sped down the road. Otabek hissed directions as I swerved in and out of traffic. I had only one thing on my mind.



The door opened creaking as it scraped against the concrete floor. A lone figure stepped in. Through blurred vision I saw a tall broad shoulder man with long brown hair and tan skin. He grinned as he approached.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked trembling in fear.

"My name is Celestino. I am Nishigori's right hand man. I am here to start his work. Nishigori sends his apologies however the battle going on at the first house preceeds your torment. I have been bestowed the honor of breaking you in." He chuckled.

My eyes rounded in fear as he approached. My shackles clinked together as I fought against my restraints.

Goodbye Victor. I love you.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I shut my eyes waiting for the torture to begin.


"Can't this thing go any faster?" I growled throwing it into fourth gear. Yurio, Chris and Otabek were all slammed against their seats in disagreement.

"I hope I'm not too  late." I prayed to whatever god would listen.  Tears threatened to spill over but I fought them back. I needed to be strong for Yuri.


I gasped coughing up blood. I spit red goop on the floor as I wheezed on my hands and knees. Blood dribbled from my chin creating a pattern of red dots on the floor.

"Why would they pick a weakling like you to run the Houses is beyond me." Celestino laughed as he kicked me in the ribs knocking me over.

He stepped on my chest and pressed down. I fought uselessly against him. His boot pressed harder as he tossed his head back and laughed.

  He removed his foot to lean down  toward me. I closed my eyes and flinched as I heard fabric tear.

The blade he had used to cut open my shirt was still in his hand glistening in the dim light of the room. The cold air brushed against my bruised exposed chest and ribs.

"It's no fair I only get to bruise you up. How about we draw just a little blood? That should drive your vampires mad." He laughed bringing the blade down across my pec in a horizontal line.

I swallowed back the bile that rose in my throat. It was bad enough to bleed from the nose and mouth without gagging but the sight of blood oozing from a flesh wound made me dizzy.

"What's the matter? Afraid of a little blood? What kind of vampire would you be?" He laughed swinging his wrist across my ribs causing another red line to appear.

I cried out as pain slashed through me. I was helpless.

"I suppose I will leave your pretty little face for Nishigori. Until then." He smirked slapping me hard across the face. I tasted fresh blood as my lip split from the sudden contact.

I was sweating and breathing heavily as the door closed behind him. I collapsed on the floor and held my head in my hands as I curled into the tightest ball I could muster and broke.

My aching body was racked with sobs. I couldn't defend myself. How was I supposed to defend Yuuko or our houses?

They were wrong to choose me. They are better off without me.


The car spun as I came to a sudden stop. At once we all jumped from the car and into action. Nishigori's men were waiting for us as expected.

Yurio and Chris were at my sides while Otabek in his cat form protected the rear. My vision blurred between gray and red.

My fangs elongated along with my fingernails as I released my inner vampire. I could hear the solid thump of lifeless bodies hitting the ground as I tore through them.

I didn't know how many I had gone through, or cared.  With each passing thump I was that much closer to my goal. We had made it to the temple.

"Where is he?" I hissed between my teeth.

"He's probably locked in a cell. Our layout is similar. Follow me." Otabek announced leaping on all fours in his black panther form.

We chased the were cat down a gravel path that led to a stone building. There were barred windows on the small building.

Yuri must be in there. Hold on just a little longer Love.

"Where do you think you are going?" A deep voice with a strange accent spoke from above.

I glanced up to see a man with a bloodied blade in his hand stood between me and Yuri.

"Get out of my way and I may just spare your putrid life." I snarled balling my red stained hands into fists.

"Ah so you are the one. You will be proud to know he fought me well. As well as someone in chains could anyway." The man shrugged as I shrieked in fury.

"Don't you dare touch him!" I bellowed as my vision began to fade from red to black. I allowed myself to release the beast that resided in me.

He hurt my precious Yuri. He will pay with his own blood.

I coiled ready to spring for the attack. A sadistic grin spread across my face. I was going to enjoy this.

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