Chapter 31

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Yuri was still in the infirmary. Yakov and Lee wanted to check and make sure everything was in order before they released him into the house.

He wasn't dangerous but a newly turned vampire's senses are heightened. Everything is heightened. It could be too much for him to handle.

I completely disagreed. I knew Yuri would be just fine and they were just paranoid.

However Yakov commanded it so I pouted and let them be. I found myself in the kitchen drinking a wine glass topped with red liquid.

I hadn't fed in a long while and needed to refresh to keep up my strength. I stared at the smooth red liquid and smirked.

I wonder how Yuri will take to drinking this? He gets nauseous at the sight of blood.

Chuckling I took another sip as Pichit and Minami entered followed by Otabek and Yurio.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We were just with Yuri. It's great to see him up and about again." Pichit smiled widely.

He didn't even seem upset that his best friend was now a vampire. His sworn enemy.

"Yeah, Yuuko is with him now. They had a lot to talk about. They even sent Mickey away. He's with Sara and JJ upstairs." Otabek chimed in.

I was surprised by this. What could be so important that they needed to be alone to talk about it?

"Yuri is asking about you. You should probably return to him soon."Yurio narrowed his eyes.

My eyes widened a fraction and I jolted upright. I shoved my seat back and hurried from the kitchen and ran to the infirmary leaving confused expressions behind.

I burst into the infirmary spotting Yuri with his lips just grazing Yuuko's neck.

I walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar. He hissed as he spun around.

"No Yuri you can't do that." I chastised him like I would a child.

His eyes were glowing with thirst until he recognized me. His eyes changed back to the now famliar brown with hints of crimson.

Fear washed over his features. Tears brimmed his eyes as he realized what he had almost done.

Yuuko was still dazed and confused.

Yuri collapsed onto my chest throwing his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry. Oh gods I'm a monster!" He cried clutching my sweater.

I patted his back and ran my fingers through his soft dark hair.

"It's alright Milaya moyA. These things happen. Your still new to this life. You will become better I promise. I won't let you become a monster. See no harm done. You didn't even bite her." I spoke softly rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"She's my friend and I-I, I almost-" He broke off into sobs and I kissed the top of his head.

"Yuri? It's okay really. You've been through a lot and probably haven't eaten in a while. I'm not angry. I don't think your a monster.

You could have just done it and hurt me but you didn't. You are still you." Yuuko smiled softly reaching for him.

I allowed her to touch his shoulder. At her touch he turned around and sniffled.

"I'm sorry Yuuko it won't happen again." He swore. She smiled and patted his arm.

"I trust you." She said honestly. There was no judgement in her eyes only kindness.

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