Chapter 34

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Yurio and Pichit still bickered as I expected. Otabek leaned against the wall near the door with his head lolled back. His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Still going at it huh?" I chuckled. Otabek nodded with a long sigh. He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck a moment before he stretched.

"I would like just a little quiet before Victor comes home and makes a ruckus." I shook my head and Otabek smirked.

A heartbeat later Otabek stiffened. The same moment he held his breath, Pichit stopped speaking. This caused Yurio to stop speaking. Both turned to stare at us.  It was then I heard what had caused them to quiet.

Footsteps. Lots of them. Swift and silent to the human ear.

"Pichit?" I whispered as a growl rumbled in his chest.

A hiss escaped Otabek a moment before they both transformed into their were  form.

Pichit howled a warning. Yurio was across the room in an instant. His glowing eyes flicked between the door and the window across the room.

"We need to get you out of here." He growled through his pointed teeth.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm not just a human anymore. I can help." I shook my head.

"You don't know how to fight." Otabek shook his large panther head.

"I can hear dozens of them. We'll be out numbered." Pichit whimpered worried.

"You need to go for help. Find Minami, find JJ and Mickey, just get help. You're the only one who can do this Pichit." I placed a hand in his furry shoulder blade. His large brown eyes looked up at me.

A small whimper escaped him before he padded to the door turned and with a running start burst through the second story window.

I winced in sympathy. I watched him disappear from view.

Two pairs of eyes turned to look at me.

"I owe him more than I could repay. I just hope they are gone before he returns." I shrugged

"Some followed him." Otabek frowned.

"He's a were wolf he will be fine." Yurio scoffed.

"They are getting closer. They must be all over the mansion by now." Otabek noted.

"Then we will be ready for them." Yurio readied his stance.

I gasped covering my mouth in shock as I realised we weren't the only three here. Yakov was trapped alone in his office. I said as much with my hands still holding my face

"Dammit." Yurio hissed.

"We can make it of we run." Otabek flicked his tail back and forth irritably.

"Well we can't leave him." I shook my head and reached for the door.

"Let's show them who they are messing with yeah?" Yurio grinned following me.

I opened the door and Otabek sprung into action leaping on the first person he saw. Surprised by the sudden attack the man didnt even get to make a sound. Only the sound of Otabek's large teeth piercing through skin relayed to my ears.

Yurio grabbed the second man and snapped his neck like a twig.

"It's a vampire." Otabek spat.

"Nishigori made his own army of vampires. We are so fucked." Yurio shook his head.

I wanted to chastise him for his language but now was not the time.

"We still need to get to Yakov. Victor isn't here. He's the first person he will go for." I spoke urgently.

We hurried down the hall taking out as many vampires as we could. Otabek was tearing into one while Yurio fought another.

I watched feeling helpless until another rounded the corner and spotted me standing there in fear.

A hiss eacaped his lips as the vampire charged me.

Something ignited in me then. Something I have been burying deep inside of me since I had been reborn a vampire.

I felt my teeth elongate as they indented my lower lip. A feral sound echoed in my chest as I raised my hands.

We collided with a solid clap. The collision knocked me back onto the floor. The brown haired vampire growled as his teeth gnashed reaching for my neck.

I held him back with all my strength. I glanced over realising Otabek and Yurio were still fighting.

I can do this. I have to stay alive for Victor.

I balled my hand into a fist and punched him square in the jaw. Surprised he stumbled back giving me enough room to wiggle out from under him and tackle him to the ground.

I tried grabbing his neck but he fought me. Being a fresh vampire made him really strong. When I finally got my hands around his neck, he bit my forearm and I screamed.

Instinctively I grabbed his hair and yanked him off of my arm. His teeth leaving bloody trails on my arm. I slammed his head back I to the floor repeatedly.  After a few slams he stopped resisting. There was blood and a dent in the floor.

I jumped back afraid. Yurio grabbed my arm and tugged me away. The vampires face still in my mind.

We skidded to a halt as Yakov's office came into view. Otabek roared as Yakov stepped out of his office. He was covered in blood.

My eyes widened in fear as he stepped into the hall and was followed by a face I hoped I wouldnt see again.

"Hello Yuri. It's been a while. The vampire life suits ya." Nishigori grinned flashing a set of fangs.

"Nishigori." I murmured.

"Let him go." Yurio growled.

"I can't do that. I need to send Victor a little message.  Take them." Nishigori inclined his chin as vampires grabbed us from behind.

We struggled against them trying to break free. Three vampires pinned Otabek to the floor. Nishigori tightened his grip on Yakov.

"Take care my sons." Yakov lifted his bloodied face to look us all in the eye.

Nishigori then drove his hand right through Yakov's heart. As he slumped to the ground my world grew silent.

I couldn't hear the shrieks of rage coming from Yurio's opened mouth. I couldn't hear my own cries. Just the ominous sound of my own heart beat.

"Take those two away and make sure they can't escape. Leave Yuri with me." Nishigori's pleased voice broke through the silence.

I could hear Yurio's string of profanity as he was dragged off by four vampires. Otabek growled and hissed as he was taken away.

I stood alone with Nishigori.  Yakov's body lie motionless between us. He stepped over the body and grabbed me by my shirt. His hands roamed down my body until he reached my back pocket where my phone was tucked away.

Feeling disgusted at his vile grin, I shivered as he tugged the phone out of my pocket.

"Call Victor home. Call him home, or you, those two, and everyone else you have ever cared about will die." Nishigori's dark brows drew together impatiently.

I shook with hate, and fear. I balled my hands into fists as I contemplated his words. Sighing in defeat I called Victor. Bitter angry tears streamed down my cheeks as Victor's cheerful voice spoke up a moment before it went cold.

I can't stop him this time. We are all going to die.

Defeat washed over me as a vampire carried Yakov's body away, and Nishigori closed himself and me in his office. 

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