Chapter 9

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I blew a long raspberry as I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest.

Victor and the pig had followed me back to my room where Otabek waited sitting on the sofa.

He straightened at the pigs approach. The dark haired baka smiled and sat beside him.

A stange feeling ripped through me at the sight. I felt my hands clench into fists as my teeth elongated.

Otabek seemed to sense this and glanced in my direction. His stoic expression was in place but I could see the humor dancing behind his eyes.

Stupid prick thinks he can mock me and my feelings? Just you wait until we are alone.

I snorted and turned my attention to Victor pacing the carpet.

"I know, what if we just tell Yakov what our theory is?" Victor asked.

"Shithead. He's not going to listen. His mind is clouded with more grief. He lost another to the werewolves. There will be no forgiveness." I stared pointedly to Victor.

His shoulders hunched in memory before he nodded solomnly.

"We are going to have to prove it to Yakov and make him see it with his own eyes. We need to set a trap and catch Nishigori in the act." I shrugged.

"I will do whatever it takes to protect my family and friends. Even-even if it means my life." The pig stood and both Otabek and Victor stared at him in dismay.

I would never admit it aloud, but he surprised me too. I felt respect rising inside of me.

Not a lot though. He's still a baka.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked him. He adjusted the glasses on his nose before clenching his hands by his side. He raised his chin defiantly.

"You have to hand me over to him." He announced and the room fell silent.

"Let's not-" Otabek began holding his hands up, but Victor jumped in.

"Absolutely not! Have you completely lost it? He will kill you Yuri. I can't let that happen." Victor began to rant as he picked up his pacing. I rolled my eyes.

"He has a point. If we hand him over as he requests he will take him back to the Third House to finish the job and before that happens we can make our move. We just need to get to the First House before him and prepare the werewolves." I shrugged.

"We don't have much time. We only have two days." Otabek shook his head.

"Allow me to talk to Yakov. I can probably get an extension." I waved my hand dismissively.
"However once the extension is agreed we need to leave and prepare the wolves and vampires for a fight. I have a familiar doing some errands for me now to keep me updated on Nishigori's movements. We wait for him to report back first." I raised my finger in the air as if schooling stupid children.

I don't know why I even want to help the pig.

Still the thought of Otabek being hurt in any way over this matter was enough to make me want to try.

Stupid man-cat. Making me feel things.

"Let's get back to my room Yuri. Yurio come to me after you speak with Yakov." Victor inclined his chin and with the pig in tow left me alone with Otabek.

We remained in silence for a long while. Otabek finally broke the silence clearing his throat.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" He asked keeping his face impassive.

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