Chapter 25

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I stepped out of the shower and headed toward my king sized bed alone drying my hair.

On the one hand I was glad Yuri was safe, on the other I was afraid. He had seen me at my worst.

He had seen me take another life. He was afraid of me and had even called me a monster.

How could he ever look past that now and see me for me? I sighed heavily and rubbed a hand over the back of my neck.

The door opened revealing Yurio. He stepped into my room without permission and rolled his eyes.

"Don't you ever put clothes on?" He groaned looking away from the short towel wrapped around my hips.

"Don't YOU ever knock?" I snorted.

"Fine, I just wanted to come and check on you." Yurio growled.

"Worried about me?" I chuckled arching a silver brow.

"Yes. You haven't been yourself since we lost the stupid pig. Now he is back and afraid of you. I want to know you are okay with that. It won't be the same." He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No it won't be the same, but my feelings have not changed. I love him. I want to be with him." I shrugged.

"Does he want to be with you?" He asked before turning on his heel and leaving. He paused by the door a moment.

"Yakov wants to speak with you." Yurio spoke over his shoulder before closing the door behind him.

I sighed rubbing the back of my neck.

Maybe Yurio is right.

Ack! What!?

"Pfff there is no way he is right." I shook my head.

I threw on a pair of black jeans and a tight gray half sleeved shirt. I stepped into my black dress shoes and headed towards Yakov's study.

I opened the door without knocking or waiting for admittance.

Yakov looked up drolly before putting away whatever he had been writing. I crossed my arms and leaned against the cushioned chairs before his desk.

I cocked my head to he side in a bored manner.

"You can be such a nuisance sometimes." Yakov pinched the bridge of his nose. I grinned and took a seat waiting for him to speak.

"You needed to speak to me?" I asked.

"Yes Vitya." Yakov sighed and folded his hands on top of his desk.

"Nishigori did some serious damage to Yuri. I-I had no choice." He paused.

At the mention of Yuri's name I instantly became serious.

"What is wrong with him?" I asked swallowing back the emotion rising in my throat.

"He-he needs to change. He will heal on his own as is but he won't last very long." Yakov met my gaze.

My lips trembled as I waited for him to say the words I never wanted to hear.

"He's dying." Yakov whispered.

My heart thrummed in my chest as his words reverberated through my skull. My vision blurred as I suddenly felt dizzy.

"Victor." I heard my name being called repeatedly. I looked up to see Yakov's bushy brows knit together in concern.

"He-he can't be." I fought back tears that threatened to spill over.

"Nishigori poisoned him. It's in his blood stream. It has infected him. Lee and I came to that conclusion. We cannot kill the virus without killing Yuri.

However we both saw that as not an option, and decided on something that can sustain him until either the inevitable happens or-" Yakov trailed off and I grabbed his shirt in my fists pulling him closer.

"Or what?" I shrieked as fresh hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Becoming a vampire can possibly save his life." Yakov frowned. I released him and slumped back into my seat.

Change Yuri into a vampire? That's something he would never want for himself. He would rather die than become a monster like me.

"What is being done to treat him now?" I asked.

"Lee and I infused his blood transfusion with a vial of your blood. It will help his wounds heal quicker but it will not overtake the poison spreading inside of him." Yakov explained.

"I see, and Yuri has no idea either of these things are in him?" I concluded. Yakov nodded.

Sighing I stood to shaky knees.

"I have to talk to him." I breathed. I inclined my chin to Yakov and hurried from the room.

Wandering the halls I took my time walking to the infirmary. I paused as I passed Mila speaking with the female wolf named Sara.

They were standing several feet apart. Both had their arms crossed and gazes set on the floor.

This doesn't look good.

"It happened so quickly. I only saw my brother. He was hurt. He needed me. I didn't think I just reacted. I knew if it wasn't him it was us, and I couldn't let him hurt my brother any more." Sara whispered.

"Georgi was like a brother to me. We knew each other since we were small. We made a blood pact to never- it doesn't matter now. He is gone. Thank you for coming to me to explain. I feel he can rest easy now." Mila blinked back tears.

"See that wasn't so bad ladies was it?" A loud voice came from the other side of the room.

I looked over to see the gray wolf JJ approach them with a broad smile. He draped his arms around both of them and grinned.

They both tensed as they met each other's eye. I could smell the tension.

Quickly I turned and hurried away as the feline-like growling began.

JJ you are an idiot.

I slammed the door to the infirmay. As the yelling grew.

"Never put two females in heat in a room with a male that stupid." I sighed pressing my back against the door.

"Victor? You're back so soon?" Yuri's voice called from his cot. I smiled as I approached.

"Hello my sweet. How are you feeling?" I asked brushing his hair back.

"Much better. My ribs dont hurt as much, but I still can't jostle around too much." Yuri smiled sheepishly.

I snorted.

"Too bad." I chuckled nuzzling his neck.

"V-Victor!" Yuri gasped.

"What? Didn't you miss me at all?" I asked pouting.

Yuri's cheeks burned bright red as he looked away.

"Of course I did. I thought about you a lot." He frowned. I clasped his unbandaged hand in mine. I brought his fingers to my lips and kissed them.

"Then that is all I need to know." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Rest now. You need your strength." I forced a smile and ran my fingers through his hair as Yakov's words lingered in my mind.

Would Yuri make the change? Would he survive it if he did? I can't lose him. Not again.

"I love you Yuri." I whispered as his eyes closed and he fell into a light slumber.

I stayed by his side all through the night. Pichit and Minami came to visit, Yurio and Otabek came not much longer after they had left.

Yuuko, Mickey and Sara visited. Even JJ and Mila visited. Yuri slept through it all. With each passing moment I became more and more worried that I might lose him. I needed to save him. Even if he hated me for it. I had to save him.

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