Chapter 35

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Damn them. Damn them all. I growled irritably as we were roughly taken to the basement.

Otabek had been tazed sending him back to his human form. I could see the purple bruise on his neck where he had been shocked.

The vampires put this strange collar around his neck. Any time he tried to change to his panther form he would get shocked. His baked body was covered in a sheet of sweat. His muscles twitched beneath his toned skin from all of the electricity flowing through his body.

I wanted to tear their heads off for hurting him. When we got out of this I was going to relish taking them out and making them cry for mercy. Especially that one holding the controls to Otabek's collar.

I sighed as we were thrown into an empty storage unit with no windows and only one door.

"Try anything funny, and this cat gets barbecued." The vampire waved the controls in our face before locking us in. I could still sense them nearby. I could hear and see them moving on the other side of the door.

I kicked the door resulting in a small shock to Otabek.

"Baka's!" I shouted at them rushing to his side.

"I'm sorry. What can I do?" I asked shrugged out of my jacket. I draped it over his shoulders to keep him warm.

"N-nothing. I'll be okay." He grunted pulling himself into a sitting position.

"When we get out of here I will put that collar on them and see how they like it." I growled clenching my hands into fists.

"You can still escape. They don't have a collar on you. Just get out and save yourself Yurio." Otabek panted leaning his head back against the wall.

"Are you out of your mind? I would never leave you. I love you Otabek. You are stuck with me." I kneeled between his open legs and took his face in my hands and kissed him softly.

"I love you too." He smiled with half hooded eyes.

Any more shocks to his system and he could pass out, or worse they could do some real damage.

We need to find a way out.

"Any word from Pichit?" I asked knowing the answer.

"I can't change to listen. We are blind. " Otabek shook his head slightly. Frowning I curled up beside him on the floor. He draped his arm around my shoulders.

"I hope the pig is okay." I murmured resting my head on his chest.


I sat in the chair beafore Yakov's desk. Nishigori leaned back in Yakov's chair with his hands behind his head and his feet propped on the desk.

He's in a vulnerable position. I could attack now.

No I can't. He's a vampire. His reflexes would be just as good if not better than my own. I have to sit and wait.

"Why don't you just kill me and get it over with? Just leave Victor and my family alone." I asked clutching the fabric of my pants in my fingers.

"Oh no no no. You had your chance for negotiations. I want to see Victor's face when I kill you in front of him. It's my reward before I kill him and everyone you love. Then I will finally have the Three Houses of Japan for myself, and I will be the most powerful immortal to ever exist." Nishigori exclaimed.

I sat back in my seat quietly.

He's right there is no stopping him.


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