Chapter 4

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    I watched over the sleeping man before me. I felt a little guilty about knocking him out with chloroform but I didn’t have a choice. It’s not like he would have willingly gone with a bunch of vampires.

    I had watched from my post as Yurio attacked the were-cat. I had smirked to myself.

How fitting.

We had arrived as the moon had. We moved stealthily along the border of the temple. This was the First House and we were here for one purpose.

To kidnap Yuri Katsuki.

I had watched several people enter the building and signaled for Yurio to patrol the south wall. Mila waited near the the east wall for her mark. Lee covered the west wall. Georgi and Chris had come to fend off anyone who got in my way.

    “I am the only one who touches Yuri Katsuki. The rest of them you can have.” I whispered. They nodded in understanding as we set up for our posts. I found a promising balcony and headed to it. I lingered in the shadows between points on the roof of the temple next to the balcony when a handsome man stepped close to the windows to close them.

I watched him loosen his tie about his long neck and unfastened several buttons on his shirt. I swallowed hard. I wasn’t sure if it was my thirst burning in my throat or something else entirely.

  His large brown eyes lingered momentarily on the moon.

I frowned.

Something seemed to be troubling him. I shook my head disgusted. I needed to concentrate.


He closed the doors. I didn’t want to have to break anything unless necessary. I peered into the window and noticed he had risen from his bed and left the room. Curious I waited in my spot until I noticed his dark hair emerge from the building and stepped into the secluded garden.

    Now was my chance. With ease I hid in the tree tops and waited for the time to strike. I noticed the cute guy talking to another attractive man and frowned. A strange ache began to throb in my chest but I ignored it.

Focus Victor. You have a job to do. Ignore the cute blush in his adorable face as he talks to that-that handsome beast.

    I heard him before I saw him. Yurio spotted the two men in the garden. The wolves had sounded the alarm. I could hear their high pitched cries as Chris, Georgi and Lee broke into action. Yurio charged without thought and tackled the second man.

    I blinked in surprise as he transformed into a black panther and attacked. I watched the two of them for a moment. They seemed equally matched. It was then that a brown werewolf jumped on Yurio, and not soon after Lee assisted him.

    Yurio wasn’t going to like that.

I chuckled, and that’s when I looked down into round brown eyes that reflected the light of the moon. I swallowed hard but pasted a smile on my face. I knew how I would look to him. Like beautiful death come to take him away.

I had watched over him like a mother to her baby. I held him close to my chest as I ran to the car I had parked down the street. I gunned it for the airport where I had a private plane waiting for me. The others will finish their business soon enough.

    I sighed and carried him like a bride from the car to our mansion. It was a secluded castle in Russia. We had flown from Japan on a private plane, and back and all the while Yuri Katsuki remained unconscious. I stepped through the doors to be greeted by an angry Yakov.

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